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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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  • Sports Illustrated

    Thu 29 Jan 2015

    Dassett Victory

    Well done to the Year 5 and 6 netball team who played their first match this year against Moreton Morrell on Wednesday. The skill level was equally fair but we still managed to win 7:4. Everyone that took part played their best for their school and we will beb having a re-match at Moreton Morrell on 11th March. The squad was Lily, Izzie, Amie, Ellie (Y6) and Sophie, Isabella, Alana, Charlotte and Olivia (Y5). Well done to all! (Report by Sophie and Isabella)



    On Monday 26th January a team of some year 6 and year 5 pupil’s took part in an athletics tournament at Kineton High School. Our amazing team was Billy, Ellie, Amie, Ben, Jyan, Henry, Aiden, Sam, Jamie, William, Olivia, Sophia, Annabel and Yvette (Y6) and Ellie, Olivia, Charlotte, Sam, Jack, Isabella and Codey (Y5). We took part in some running events and field events such as javelin and did well in all. We came 6th out of 8 schools but we had a great day and enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you Mr McMahon and everyone who took us! (Report by Ellie and Billy)


    The Football Tournament

    On Tuesday 27th January, The Dassett Year 6 football team (Aiden, Amie, Ben, Billy, Edward, Ellie and Henry) went to a football tournament in Coventry. We left at 10:55am and got there at about 12:15pm. We ate our lunch in the car then we went to the play area and had fun! After that we went up to goal and took some shooting practice at Billy. He saved many and everyone’s shots were amazing too, so we thought we had a good a chance.

    We played our first match! We played well as it was our first game but we lost 4-0. Even though we lost our first match we carried on pushing for a good result in the end! In between our first game and our second game we had biscuits and water thanks to Mrs Upton! 

    The second game was against Lapsworth (the hosts). We got off to a good start but in the end we lost 3-0! Another biscuit break was needed! This time we got two biscuits! We walked over to the other pitch for our third game!

    Next it was time for our third game! First of all they scored and made it 1-0. We kept our heads high and Amie managed to score the first goal for the Dasset. This made the score 1-1! In the last 30 seconds the other team scored and time was up! We had lost 2-1. 

    Finally, the last game.  First of all Edward scored- this was the start to his hat-trick. During Edward’s hat-trick Billy (who had come out of goal) scored!  We smashed them 4-0! All of the Dassett players  were happy!

    We had a great time and came 4th out of 5! We got certificates and a bit of a Jaffa cake which Billy shared out as it was the last one! By the time we got back to school we had finished and were full of biscuits and good memories! Thank you to everyone who took us and supported us! Well done Dassett! 

    Written by Henry & Amie (Year6)

  • Bikeability

    Thu 22 Jan 2015

    Year 5 Bikeability

    Warwickshire Road Safety, in partnership with the school, is offering Level 1 Bikeability cycle training for pupils in Year 5. It is designed to cover the following areas:- bicycle control – start – stop – manoeuvre; use of gears; signaling maintaining control; developing observational skills; personal safety - helmets – clothing; carrying out a simple bike safety check. This will take place on Monday 23rd March from 1.15-3.15pm on the school playground and is free. We need a minimum of 15 and maximum of 30 pupils for this to be viable and consent forms have been sent home today. This is a great opportunity to teach our children bike safety and good cycling practise, in the safety of our school grounds with qualified instructors – all for free!


    Year 6 Bikeability

    In June (8-11th) Warwickshire Road Safety, in partnership with the school, is offering cycle training for pupils in Year 6. It is designed to develop road sense, awareness of traffic dangers and to improve your child’s ability to ride safely. A letter for expression of interest for this training has come home this evening. Please do not send any money now. More information on this will follow nearer the time.
  • Assessment and Development Information

    Thu 15 Jan 2015

    Mid-Year Assessments

    At this time of year you would normally receive a mid-year assessment for your child, informing you as to whether they are on track, below or above age related expectations. This year there have been major changes nationally in the way schools assess children, as National Curriculum Levels no longer apply to Years 1, 3, 4 and 5. For this year only Year 2 and Year 6 pupils will be assessed using the old level system. The new curriculum changes imposed on schools and the corresponding expectations this year do not relate in any way to the old ones, and so you may notice some difference between previous and new assessments from this year. Here at The Dassett, we continually assess your children to ensure that they are making progress anyway. Children now have their new Target Cards in the back of their literacy and maths books, for both the new and old systems of assessment, and are busy working towards

    these. We will be explaining and showing you these, as well as giving you progress feedback at the forthcoming parents’ evenings. In addition to this, to keep you informed, every fortnight on a Monday after school until 6.30pm, parents are very welcome to ‘drop in’ to school during our ‘Open Sessions’ to view  children’s books. This will start on Monday 26th January.


    Developing Writing in Key Stage 2 Parents’ Information Evening


    On Monday 26th January, at 7pm we will be holding a Key Stage 2 (Year 3 -  6) parents’ information session on how to help your child develop their writing skill in both narrative and non-fiction texts. We will be giving you handy hints and ‘toolkits’ to help your child raise the standard of their writing and to help you know what to look out for in their home learning pieces. We hope to see lots of you there.

  • Maths in a Suitcase

    Tue 13 Jan 2015

    On Monday all day and Tuesday morning we had a Maths Challenge Day (and a half) where all classes enjoyed a puzzle session with leaders from ‘Maths in a Suitcase’. This was a free event as we secured funding from the Royal Institution’s Mathematics Enrichment and Enhancement Grant Scheme. It was exceptional fun for all of the children throughout the day and a half and every child came out of the hall, once their session was finished, still discussing the puzzles and how to solve them. To hear this level of engagement and excitement for maths was wonderful. We are hoping to be able to get Selwyn, the lead from ‘Maths in a Suitcase’ to return to The Dassett and do some more work with KS1 and Reception in the future.

    “It was awesome”, “Can we go in again and do some more?”, “I’d like a Maths Challenge Week” and, “I loved that – it was such fun!” were just a few of the many positive comments from children since the event.

    Also it was super to see so many of you joining in the excitement and fun on the Monday after school! It certainly seemed to bring out the competitive instinct in a few – you know who you are! Some of you were so keen that it was hard to get you to leave at the end. What a wonderful way of raising the profile of maths within the school! (And it was a LOT of fun).

    Massive thanks to Selwyn for an inspirational couple of days and Mr McMahon for organising everything.

  • If a Job's Worth Doing....

    Tue 13 Jan 2015

    …it’s worth doing properly!  Presentation of work in books has been a focus over the past year and has produced excellent results so far but we are really making an effort to improve this even further. You will find in children’s home learning book some setting out guidelines for written work, so that you can help us by reinforcing our expectations for presentation of work by all pupils. We have been teaching our younger children how to use a ruler to underline carefully and we are encouraging children who know how to join their letters to do so. If we feel that pupils have not taken care with their work, or have not followed advice on how to improve their work, they may be asked to stay in at lunchtime to make the improvements and make it ‘the best it can be’. The pupils have really gone for it this week – many are realising the benefits and sense of pride they feel when they have made maximum effort. Keep up the good work.

  • January Maths Challenge

    Fri 09 Jan 2015

    Lower Key Stage 2

    Arrange the numbers 1-5 in the V below so that the totals of the 2 sides are the same. Can you do it in 2 more ways? What do you notice?


    Upper Key Stage 2

    The pages of Jack’s book are numbered from 1.

    The page numbers have a total of 555 digits. (eg. pages 98, 99 and 100 have a total of 7 digits)

    How many pages has the book got altogether?

    How many of the digits are a 5?


    Key Stage 1

    You are playing snakes and ladders and are on square 9. You roll a 1-6 dice twice and end up on square 16. Which 2 numbers did you throw on your dice? There are 4 different ways of doing – can you find them all?

  • Maths in a Suitcase

    Thu 08 Jan 2015

    On Monday all day and Tuesday morning we have a Maths Challenge Day where classes will be enjoying a puzzle session with leaders from ‘Maths in a Suitcase’. This is a free event as we have secured funding from the Royal Institution’s Mathematics Enrichment and Enhancement Grant Scheme. It should be great fun and we would like to extend the offer to parents too! You are invited to come along with your children after school at 3.15pm to see it for yourselves and have a go. We look forward to seeing you there.

