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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Fabulous Festive Fun

    Fri 29 Nov 2013
    A wonderful night was had by all at the Christmas Fayre on Friday 29th November. The Dassett Singers opened the Fayre with their beautiful singing and Father Christmas appeared in the hall, ably led by his reindeer and elves, before making his way to his grotto where children were eager to see him.The Christmas Cheer was very evident as people tried their luck on the tombolas, winning chocolate and bottles galore. Crafts were made and bought, lucky dips were delved and mince pies and mulled wine were consumed. The stunning Christmas Cake was raffled and, if you missed out on this, there will be another chance to win this at the Year 1 and 2 Nativity performances. All in all it was a truly tremendous night - a massive congratulations and thank you to our fabulous Friends of The Dassett for organising another amazing event to raise funds for our school and pupils.
  • Braving the weather

    Wed 20 Nov 2013
    What determination the netball teams from The Dassett and Moreton Morrell displayed on Wednesday with regards to the planned Netball Match. Just as the team from Moreton Morrell drove into Fenny Compton the heavens opened but this did not stop the boys and girls. They all agreed that they would like to have a mini match and so this is what they did - 5 minutes was enough to see some super play during this, our very first match in several years, and although 2 goals were scored by Moreton Morrell and it was cold and wet there were many smiling faces and the children enjoyed their endeavours. We will try to organise  a rematch in the Spring when it is warmer and drier (hopefully!) Well done to all of the girls from The Dassett who played - very impressive.
  • Driver Dave Delivers Safety Message

    Tue 19 Nov 2013
    On Tuesday 19th November we were delighted to welcome Dave Newell MBE to The Dassett to teach children from Reception to Year 4 about how to stay safe near the railways. His whole school assembly inspired the children and made certain that the message about safety was loud and clear and then he did workshops in Year 1 through to Year 4. His friendly and enthusiastic approach made this a really memorable day and the children remembered all of the key rules regarding train tracks, station platforms and level crossings, be they through video, role play or song.

    Dave Newell is famous along the Chiltern Railways line for his work teaching children and for going the extra mile in his day job as a driver. 

    Dave has worked in the rail industry as a driver since 1975 and has been teaching children about the dangers of the railways since the 1990s, visiting schools and also teaching as part of Junior Citizen events, which promote safety information to year 6 children.  He has taught thousands of children over the years and continues to enjoy teaching children this vital message.

    Look out for us in the Banbury Guardian.

  • NSPCC Assembly and Spelling Sprint

    Mon 11 Nov 2013
    Today (Monday 11th) during our assembly Deborah Sharp from the NSPCC talked to the children about the work of her charity. This was both an educational and inspirational assembly. The children were invited to help other children by raising vital funds to support the work of the NSPCC which includes the special helpline service for children - ChildLine. Children were also reminded about how to keep themselves safe and happy and some of the basic rights of children – love, care, respect, nourishment and being kept safe from harm.
    I am pleased to say that the children at The Dassett had a good awareness of how to keep themselves safe and knew who they could talk to if they were worried about anything or anyone.
    Your child has been given an activity sheet and sponsor form. If you would like to participate in this spelling activity, please ensure that the form is returned to school by Monday 18th November. We will continue to help your child practise their spellings until the date of the spelling sprint – Wednesday 20th November. An easy way to do this would be to learn a couple of spellings a night, as well as having a quick check on previous ones
    As mentioned in the newsletter, please do not feel that you have to collect sponsors – you may just wish to donate £1 - if you write it down on the sponsor form your child will receive a special badge for taking part.
    Children in Reception should learn their letter sounds, Year 1 – Set 1, Year 2 – Set 2, Year 3 – Set 3, Year 4 –Set 4, Year 5 – bonus 1 &2 and Year 6 – bonus 3&4 (unless your child has been told otherwise by their class teacher to allow for differing abilities.) Some children may be keen and want to learn more than this - all we ask is that children have a go at learning some spellings at their level.
    Charities are able to claim Gift Aid on contributions from UK tax payers. The sponsor form should be completed giving the sponsor’s full name and address, including the post code, and a tick put in the UK tax payer box.
    The money that we raise will help the NSPCC to be there for more children and young people when they desperately need help.
    Your support is very much appreciated.
  • The Dassett Creation Art Exhibition

    Sat 09 Nov 2013
    Spectacular! The Dassett Arts Exhibition for the 2013/14 Academic Year was so colourful and vibrant that it literally took your breath away as you stepped into the gallery. Flocks of multi-coloured birds flew overhead, and creatures of the deep swam in a magnificent ocean. Beautiful Butterflies hovered above patterned snakes and turtles and fabric natural collages and tray gardens brought the outside in. The tree of life stood regally in the centre and the life size Ibis sat sedately on her nest of speckled eggs. Baskets of papier maché fruit and vegetables looked tempting enough to eat, weird and wonderful dream worlds were explored by the visiting public and amazing i-pad animations entertained. The skills involved in the art work included painting on paper and fabric, cutting, sticking, folding, clay modelling, papier maché, sketching, observation and ICT. There was even some science involved with kaleidoscopes. Our 3 days of ‘Creation’ certainly were extremely “Good”.  
    It was a delightful way of displaying the creations from our highly entertaining and enjoyable ‘Creation’ arts week. Once again, a huge thank you to all of the teachers, teaching assistants, visiting professionals and voluntary helpers who all contributed to an amazing few days at The Dassett and helped to transform the hall. Your hard work and dedication is much appreciated  – so many of the children have expressed so much pleasure and been so enthused at being given the opportunity to let their creativity shine.
    We were delighted to see so many of you throughout both the Friday evening and Saturday morning, we know that the children were all absolutely thrilled to have their best efforts put on display for you all to see. It is so important that both they, and their superb work, can be given maximum exposure at this age, see how important it is to take pride in their abilities, hone their presentation skills and have a platform to really express themselves through their work.
    Our massive thanks go to The Friends for making refreshments available as, whether people were enjoying a glass of wine on the Friday evening or a nice cup of tea on Saturday morning, the atmosphere was very much enhanced and people felt they could linger and fully experience the art on offer.
    We have put a few photos from the exhibition below but there are 50+ selected images available in the Exhibition review in Art in the Curriculum section of the website. Our apologies if you can’t find your work on there, but we featured as much as possible.
    Thank you to all those involved for putting on such a professional and well received event, including the staff and volunteers  involved in setting up the hall on the Friday – a gargantuan task! It is hugely appreciated.
    Some of the many comments from our visitors:
    We loved it!!

    An excellent exhibition! All the artists are to be congratulated. A great night out!
    Fabulous art work – and so fantastic that the school has given the staff and children the time and resources to show off their creativity.

    A really wonderful display of art – looks like all the children worked really hard and had fun.

    What talented children!

    The quality of the artwork was amazing.
    It is very impressive. We can’t wait to come and see the next one!

  • Football Match Reports

    Fri 08 Nov 2013
    Our boys and girls have recently competed in their first Football Tournaments of the Year. Their match reports can be found below.

     Girls Football Tournament, Tuesday 5th November.
    On Tuesday the 5th of November, nine girls from year 5 and 6 took part in a football tournament at Newburgh Primary School. We all played 3 matches each. There were 4 matches altogether against 5 other teams and it was a tough competition as some of the other teams players were almost real football players! We all had to work hard: Lily, Jess, Eve and Ellie were a great midfielding and striking team whilst Lydia, Emily and Leah defended hard with Rebecca in goal saving us so many times and then shouting at us to get it right! We all had a great time and thanks to our hard work we came 2nd!

     Boys’ Football Tournament, Bishops Itchington, 22.10.13
    On Tuesday 22nd October our boys football team (Harry, George, Charlie, Adam, Lewis, Jyan, Billy, William and Aiden) went to Bishops Itchington Primary school to play in a tournament. There were 5 other schools and it was a tough competition because most of the other teams were proper Saturday league and we just said “yes” when we were asked! Everyone in our team made a special effort: Harry was great at directing everyone; George deflected loads of balls away from our goal; Billy was awesome at intercepting; Aiden going straight for the enemy; Adam scoring our precious goals; Lewis being brave enough to intercept enormous year 6 players; Charlie helping set up all the goals and William defending with every last bit of strength. Although we came second last, we did our very best and came away very proud of the teamwork and good times we had.

