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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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At The Dassett we teach our children to develop a deep and secure understanding of key mathematical concepts, based on the National Curriculum and Mathematics guidance 2020. This is done through a focus on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. At each stage, pupils learn key Instant recall facts (KIRFs) which they then apply to mental and written calculation and problem solving.  



In each year group children will progress through the curriculum at the same pace; support and intervention are used to enable children to grasp concepts and method and challenge and deepen understanding where necessary. As we have mixed aged classes, our planning also allows for adaptation across the two years. Varied use of resources, models and images supports or challenges children. In all classes, concrete apparatus such as dienes, cubes, numicon and counters are available to use when necessary or appropriate. We also use images to support learning, such as bar models, part whole models and images of items.  


All children should develop recall of instant facts to underpin the development of mental skills and key knowledge to tackle calculation and problem solving. Times table facts, key vocabulary and year group facts are taught explicitly to support fluency and reasoning.



Our Reception and Key stage 1 classes are taking part in the NCETM mastering number at reception and Key Stage 1 project.

This programme focuses on the key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1. As a participating school,  our teachers have received central training (online and face-to-face) and access to a wealth of pupil-facing resources.

The resources available provide teaching materials for four short sessions each week, aimed at developing children’s fluency and flexibility with number. Lead Teachers in schools also contribute to an online community to share practice and engage in critical reflection.

In Reception, the teaching of maths is based around these four sessions. In key stage 1 children the mastery of number sessions are run alongside their main maths lessons which are 4xa week. In addition to the mastery of number work, in Reception, pupils are taught the relevant aspects of Shape, Space and Measure through continuous provision.

Through adopting this approach our teachers,

  • develop a secure understanding of how to build firm mathematical foundations
  • develop intentional teaching strategies focused on developing fluency in calculation and number sense for all children
  • develop understanding and use of appropriate manipulatives to support the teaching of mathematical structures


Our pupils,

  • develop and demonstrate good number sense


In Key stage 1 the teaching of maths happens each day. The teacher uses the four mastery of number sessions to build and embed a strong number sense. In addition to this the year ½ class are taught all aspects of the national curriculum for maths following First4Maths plans and ready to progress documents and using materials from First4Maths, white rose and NCETM and other resources.

Key Stage 2

Teachers will provide children with a range of resources and experiences so that pupils can practise their fluency, problem solving and reasoning skills. These may be drawn from providers such as White Rose and NCETM etc.  Teachers will follow the curriculum as set out in the long term plan ( First4Maths) but will ensure that children are ready to progress. 

By the end of Year 6, children will be equipped with efficient mental and written calculation methods, which they use with fluency. Decisions about when to progress should always be based on the security of pupils’ understanding and their readiness to progress to the next Step. At whatever Step in their learning, and whatever method is being used, children’s strategies must still be underpinned by a secure understanding and knowledge of number facts that can be recalled fluently.


When children leave The Dassett Primary School they:

 · Should be able to recall number facts with fluency,

· Have developed conceptual understanding through being able to visualise key ideas – such as those related to place value - through experience with practical equipment and visual representations;

· Are confident to reason both verbally and in writing, using correct spelling and vocabulary

· Make use of diagrams and informal notes to help record steps and part answers when using mental methods that generate more information than can be kept in their heads;

· Have an efficient, reliable, written method of calculation for all four operations, including long multiplication and division, working with fractions, decimals and percentages.

· Are able to make connections between all four number operations, understanding how they relate to one another, as well as how the rules and laws of arithmetic can be applied.

Curriculum Statement

