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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Operation Christmas Child

    Sun 26 Oct 2014

    We are asking you to join us this year in the Operation Christmas Child initiative and help to bring a little joy to children less advantaged than us. We will be talking to the children about OCC  and sending out all the necessary information on Monday 3rd November.

    Since 1990, Operation Christmas Child – an initiative of the Christian relief and development agency Samaritan’s Purse – has been blessing underprivileged children around the world with gift-filled shoeboxes wrapped and packed by children and adults in the UK.

    It is now the UK’s largest children’s Christmas appeal and the idea is simple. Children and adults wrap and pack shoeboxes with a range of gifts and take them to a convenient ‘drop-off point’. We collect these gift-filled shoeboxes and, after processing for export purposes, we send them overseas where local churches distribute them to children, on the basis of need alone. Each shoebox is an unconditional gift, given to a child with nothing asked for, or expected in return; no pledges, no obligation to go to church or attend classes; ‘no strings attached’. These shoebox gifts are an expression of God’s love to us, and the gift of His Son Jesus at Christmas.

    Operation Christmas Child has delivered 113 million gift-filled shoeboxes to needy children in the last 23 years and we are trusting God for another 100 million. Will you join with us in 2014 to achieve this goal?


    Find an empty medium sized shoebox and wrap box and lid separately.

    Decide if your gift is for a Boy or a Girl and the age category: 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Stick the appropriate boy/girl label and the correct age category and stick the label to the top of your shoebox. We will give you the labels on 3rd November.

    Fill your shoebox with a variety of new gifts that will bring delight to a child. See gift suggestions below or have a go at making your own.
    Remember to pray for the child who will receive your shoebox gift.


    Please fill your box with a selection of new gifts from the following list, or similar items:

    TOYS: Include items that children will immediately embrace such as dolls or stuffed toys (with CE label), toy trucks, harmonica, yo-yo, skipping rope, ball, small puzzles etc.

    SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Pens, pencils & sharpeners, crayons or felt pens, stamps & ink pad sets, writing pads or notebooks & paper, solar calculators, colouring & picture books etc.

    HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrush and toothpaste, bars of wrapped soap, comb or hairbrush, flannel.

    OTHER ITEMS: Hat, cap, gloves or scarf, sunglasses, hair accessories, jewellery set, wind up torch, wrapped sweets (sell by date must be at least March of the following year).

    DO NOT INCLUDE: used or damaged items, war related items such as toy guns, play soldiers or knives; chocolate or other food items; liquids or lotions of any type including bubbles; medicines; hand-made or knitted stuffed toys; anything of a political, racial or religious nature; marbles or sharp objects; glass containers, mirrors or fragile items; clothing other than as listed above.


    We ask for a minimum £3 shipping donation to cover UK transportation, overseas shipping and promotion for each box you prepare. You can give online to discover the destination of your shoebox. You can also write a cheque to Samaritan’s Purse, place it in an envelope and put it inside your shoebox, then secure the box with an elastic band. If you do more than one box, just make out one cheque to cover all your shoebox donations, put it in an envelope and place it inside one of your shoeboxes.


    Bring your shoebox to us at The Dassett by Friday 14th November AT THE ABSOLUTE LATEST and we will get it to an OCC Drop Off Point by their deadline.

  • Africa Arts Week and Exhibition

    Sat 25 Oct 2014

    We had the most fantastic 3 days in school in the last week of term as we have learnt about the continent of Africa, its people, traditions and culture during our Arts ‘Week’.

    The activities have included recreating a large piece of art by a modern African artist, making replica Zulu and Masai shields, African drumming, masks from a range of materials, 3D fish, Masai necklaces and Tinga-Tinga paintings. Rainsticks have been created and played and danced with. Poetry has been written and stunning computer generated Adinkra patterns have emerged from the printer. Beautiful African sunsets have shown great artistic skill and clay has been moulded into wonderful African pinch pots. The children all surpassed themselves as they took part in the African Dance Workshop on Thursday, which was fully funded by ‘The Friends’- thank you so much. It was a joy to see the delight and enthusiasm on every child’s face as they joined in this extravaganza of artistic endeavour. A massive thank you to the staff for their creativity in planning such a vast array of activities for the children and the volunteers for their dedication and time in helping children to progress their knowledge, skill and talent.

    I do not think there is a single child who cannot say that they have achieved something they may not have thought they could do this week and it is experiences like this that, I feel, make The Dassett such a special place.

    The culmination of these efforts, The Dassett ‘African’ Art Exhibition is to take place on Friday 7th 6 -8pm and Saturday 8th of November 10am – 12pm. Please join us for a glass of wine on the Friday evening or a tea or coffee on the Saturday and enjoy the amazing array of talent on show.

    Further pictures and video is available in the Gallery.

  • We Are The Champions!

    Thu 23 Oct 2014

    On Monday afternoon our Year 6 football team took part in the finals of the Central Warwickshire small schools competition. It was a very exciting match with Billy making some amazing saves and virtually every team member scoring a goal. This led them to a Penalty Shoot out to decide the winner and we are thrilled to say that we won!

    This now means that we will move through to the next level of the Warwickshire tournaments and so huge congratulations to the squad – Aiden, Jyan, Edward, Ben, Billy, Ellie and Amie.

  • A Portal to the Past

    Thu 16 Oct 2014

    On Monday we had a caveman in school and on Tuesday we had an Ancient Roman citizen. He spent all day with Year 3 and 4 pupils respectively immersing them in the lives and people of these periods in history and it was absolutely wonderful. The pupils were so enthusiastic about their days and learnt an enormous amount - they did not stop from 9am – 3.15pm (apart from lunch of course), which made it a totally packed day with no time spent on a coach. Thank you to the parents from these year groups who contributed to the cost of this educational experience – just as with visits out of school, your contributions are crucial as otherwise the cost must come from the school budget, to the detriment of other key areas. I am sure that the enjoyment of learning and knowledge gleaned by your children shows the importance of offering these experiences in bringing learning alive. Photographs are on the class pages on the website.

  • Year 5 Class Assembly

    Fri 10 Oct 2014

    We had a truly tropical class assembly this morning as Year 5 pupils told us all about their learning to do with Tropical Rainforests.  They performed with such confidence and taught us all a lot about ‘the lungs of the Earth’ in a very entertaining way.

    What a great start to our Class Assemblies for this year and thank you to the parents who were able to join us – your children really appreciate it. 

  • Free Child Car Seat Clinics

    Thu 09 Oct 2014

    Last year the Road Safety Team held clinics and 80% of car seats checked at the clinics were the wrong type for the car or were incorrectly fitted. This is a worrying statistic. These clinics are being held again this year and the closest ones to The Dassett are on Monday 20th October at Tesco on the Birmingham Road in Stratford-on-Avon, Tuesday 21st at ASDA in Leamington or Thursday 23rd October at ASDA in Rugby. All of these are from 10am-3pm.

  • D.I.S.C.O.

    Fri 03 Oct 2014
    As Ottowan said, ‘it is D.I.S.C.O!’ and our very own school disco returns on Friday 17th October with the fabulous DJ Darryl. Reception, Year 1 and 2 pupils are from 6-7.15pm, Year 3 – 6 pupils are from 7.30-8.45pm. Thank you to our fabulous Friends for organising this event.
  • Maths Challenge - October

    Thu 02 Oct 2014



    Lucy had a ride at the fair.

    Her Mum asked Lucy to pay less than 20p towards it.

    Lucy paid exactly three coins towards the ride.

    There are 5 amounts Lucy could not have paid her Mum?

    What are they?


    Lower KS2

    Dawn, Mark, Josh and Tina are friends. They each have a nick-name.

    Their nick-names are Spider, Curly, Ace and Fudgy, but not in that order.

    What is the nick-name of each of the friends?


    Josh plays tennis with Curly and goes swimming with Ace.

    Tina has been on holiday with Curly but travels to school with Fudgy.

    Spider, Curly and Dawn play in the football team.

    Spider sometimes goes to tea with Josh.


    Upper KS2

    Slick Jim won the lottery. He spent two thirds of his

    winnings on a very posh house. He spent two thirds of what he

    had left on a luxury yacht. Then he spent two thirds of what

    he had left on a hot air balloon. He spent his last £20000 on a

    flashy car.

    How much did Slick Jim win on the lottery?


    Entries into maths box in hall by the end of the month please.

