The Dassett C of E Primary School has a strong focus on developing the child as a reader. Time is devoted to the teaching of reading on a daily basis and across the curriculum. Through reading in particular, children have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Literature, especially, plays a key role in such development. Reading also enables pupils both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know. All of the skills of language are essential to participating fully as a member of society. Teaching staff demonstrate an enthusiasm for reading and sharing texts in class and around school.
Shared reading-
Takes place on a daily basis in English sessions and also across the curriculum. Books are determined by staff having chosen high quality texts to share with the children. To build our reading spine, we have taken into consideration; the topics in each classroom, the suggested texts from our Cornerstones curriculum, the five plagues of reading and books that we encounter through our whole class reading sessions.
Whole class reading-
Each class has a dedicated whole class reading session. Our reading lessons follow a pattern that allows children to develop their skills in inference, prediction, retrieval and oracy through discussions which encourage children to ask questions and challenge perceptions.
Independent reading-
Children are given a home reading book that early on in their reading journey is matched closely to their phonic knowledge, meaning all the words they encounter, they are able to decode and read independently. These books are made by our phonics scheme, ensuring that each new sound that is taught, appears in that order in the children's reading books. Children are then able to choose a book from either our school or class libraries to support and promote a love of reading.
Each class in Foundation stage and KS1 has a daily 30 minutes phonics session using Twinkl Phonics.
All home reading books are organised according to reading age and corresponding book band. We assess reading age using the Star reader reading assessment half termly, which generates children's reading ages. In this way, teachers can ensure that children are reading books suitable for both their age and ability. Library books are organised into fiction and non fiction and the children have free choice when selecting a library book.
Wider reading-
All classes have access to the school library and throughout KS1 and KS2 each class will be looking at a class text. Each class also has a well-stocked and inviting class library for the children to access and enjoy which is based on the “Reading Reconsidered” reading spine. Children are encourage to read across the “5 plagues” of the spine.
Home Reading-
Children are given a home reading book and a reading record in which parents and teachers can communicate. They are encouraged to read at home as often as possible for a sustained period. Children in EYFS, KS1 and some KS2 children are provide with a phonetically decodable book linked to the phase of phonics they are working on, as well as a library book to broaden their exposure to literature and vocabulary. Phonetically decodable books are changed weekly. All other books can be changed on completion.
Reading Areas
How can you help develop your child's reading?
We appreciate you’re busy but here are two things that will make the biggest difference to your child’s progress.
Every night:
1. Read a bedtime story to your child.
Your child will bring home lovely library books from school. Read bedtime stories to your child – don’t ask them to read the story themselves as this is often beyond their current reading stage. Listening to you read helps develop their understanding of character voice, tone and expression.
2. Listen to your child read the books we send home.
In Key Stage 1 and for some children in Key Stage 2 you child will bring home two books. One will be a phonetically decodable book match to their phonics learning. The other will be a book banded challenge book, based on their reading age. They will be able to read the phonetically decodable book confidently because they have already read it two or three times. Please do not say “This book is too easy!” Praise your child for how well they read it – celebrate what a great reader they are. They’ll sometimes bring home previous stories they have read too. Re-reading stories develops their fluency on every reading.
Most Key Stage 2 children will bring home a book banded reading book based on their reading age. Reading ages are determined by the Toe by Toe word reading test.
Some Key Stage 2 children will be "Free Readers", meaning that they can choose books from our class and school libraries to bring home to read. We will encourage children to challenge themselves and direct children to alternative texts types and styles such as those on our reading spine.