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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Plant, Cake and Book Sale

    Sat 27 Apr 2013
    There was a brilliant attendance for the plant, cake and book sale today. A massive display of cakes were on offer for people to sample, inspired by the cake competition winners, and plenty of other refreshments were available. There were some superb activities to keep the children occupied including photo frame decorating and fridge magnet making. A huge array of indoor and outdoor plants together with hanging baskets and bedding plants were sold out and the books, cakes and school uniform were very popular as were the amazing crafts on offer from the Philippine Community Fund.
    Everyone had a fabulous time and much money was made for the school, so a massive thank you to all of you who provided items for the day, entered the cake competion (prizes to be awarded in assembly on Monday) or came along and spent some time and a little money supporting the school. An especially big thank you, once more, to The Friends for organising, putting on and running such a fantastic event - we are very fortunate to be so well supported.

  • Overhead Projector and Drop Down Screen

    Wed 17 Apr 2013
    We are delighted to report that our new projector and screen have now been installed in the main hall. This is very exciting and will improve no end the facilities for the children in assemblies, presentations and productions and is another huge step forward in the technology provision at The Dassett. Very exciting news on new computers to follow this week.
  • Match of the Day

    Tue 16 Apr 2013
    Well seven matches to be precise! Won one, lost one and drew five were the results but the important thing was that everyone tried really hard, absolutely did their best and really enjoyed themselves and the tournament. Well done to you all for your fantastic efforts and behaviour, you are a credit to yourselves and The Dassett.
  • The Dassett Rowers

    Mon 15 Apr 2013

    Many congratulations to the Year 6 boys and girls rowing team who took part in the South Warwickshire rowing competition on Monday after school. The events were the 90 second individuals, the 4 minute team relay and the 6 minute team relay. 
    Our boys were Miki, Ben P, Ben L and Josh.
    Our girls were Freya, Anna, Emily and Andi.
    It was extremely exciting and the all of the boys and girls were amazing in their effort, technique and teamwork. The results were 2nd place for the boys, with a total distance of 3143m covered over the competition, and 3rd place for the girls, with 2908m. Great fun was had by everyone and we would like to thank Kineton High School for hosting this event.
    Many thanks go to Mr Davies (dad of Henry in Year 2) who so kindly gave up his time to train our rowers.

    Well done to everyone.
  • Roof Off The Dassett

    Fri 12 Apr 2013

    There has been a school in Fenny Compton since 1833 and this year is the 180th anniversary of its establishment.

    To commemorate and celebrate this anniversary we are going to hold a Victorian day dress up celebration in the Summer, with numerous themed activities and events surrounding it. We are also embarking, with the help of the children, on a rather major social project.

    In 1947 and then again in 1967 a highly regarded survey was conducted by the children of The Fenny Compton School under the guidance of the then Headteacher W H Stubbings. It was a unique piece of social history, an extensive look at the village of Fenny Compton; The people and the place, where they live, where they work, how they travel, recreational facilities etc. a thorough in-depth survey looking at all the major aspects of life in a 1947/67 country village. So well thought of in fact was this survey that the Warwickshire Rural Community Council published it as a booklet ‘Roof Off Fenny Compton.’

    Mr Stubbings in his foreword of the 1968 publication warned of the danger of so many changes having taken place between the two surveys so gradually and unobtrusively, so smoothly in fact that they could go unrecognised. The school itself had made the seismic shift from 6 buckets to 10 toilets alone!

    Well, we wondered what he would make of the shift that has occurred in the subsequent 46 years. Not least would be the closure of the Fenny Compton, Northend and Farnborough Schools and their amalgamation into what we now know and love as The Dassett.

    This in itself has obviously dramatically changed the dynamic of what a modern survey could and should look to achieve. We thought that we would embrace the spirit of the original Roof Off Fenny Compton surveys with a look at the history and background of the village itself, but rather than just restrict the questions to the villagers here in Fenny Compton we would make it more personal to the children of the school and make it a survey about them and their families, across all of the villages that The Dassett school serves and for it to become Roof Off The Dassett.

    To achieve this we are working closely with local historians, the Parish Council and the Warwickshire Rural Community Council and we are involving the children by getting them to fill in the attached survey, with the help of their parents, to make sure that we can fully do justice to this project and make it a truly unique social commentary on our school and village over the past 180 years.

    We intend to publish this and make a copy available to all of the children of The Dassett as a part of our 180 year celebrations.

  • Reception Outdoor Classroom

    Mon 08 Apr 2013
    Following the new roof for the outdoor classroom we have now started decorating the area. New arrivals include Winnie the Pooh, the witch from Room on the Broom, the Cat in the Hat, a nine foot Gruffalo, Gruffalo's Child, Ben and Holly and many more to come.
    We are also going to be installing some new raised beds and an artificial lawned area.
    Any spare bags of compost would be gratefully received.

