We want children at The Dassett to understand how the society we live in, came to be. By studying societies throughout the ages and across the globe, our aim is for children develop an overview of world history and British history. Our studies of these time periods look at the events, technologies, ideas/concepts and individuals that have made a lasting impact.
In doings so, we aim to give children an appreciation of wider society, their place in it today, together with a moral understanding and appreciation that promotes good citizenship - learning from the past.
Through the lens of being a historian we intend for the children to investigate the past, understand chronology, and have an overview of British and world history through:
· developing an ability to assess evidence
· considering differing accounts and interpretations
· to understand the rise and fall of societies, the everyday lives therein and their legacies
From EYFS’ Understanding the World through to our Cornerstones curriculum topics in Years 1-6, we ensure history (and geography alternating half-termly) acts as a main driver in knowledge rich topics designed to meet the above intentions. The curriculum is progressive and explores a range of historical sources, developing the children’s acquisition of historical knowledge and vocabulary. In communicating their learning, a number of other curriculum area skills are supported and developed, namely: literacy, numeracy, art and computing.
Curriculum Overview:
Reception | Awareness of themselves, family and roles in community/society. Changes as we grow.
Beginning to understand the past through settings, characters and event encountered through stories. Changes in the environment through the chronology or a year. |
Year 1/2 | Movers & Shakers in History (Significant people)
Magnificent Monarchs |
Year 3/4 | Through the Ages (Stone Age)
Invasion History (Vikings) |
Year 5 | Dynamic Dynasties (Ancient China)
Ground Breaking Greeks |
Year 6 | Maafa
Britain at War |