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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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 Phonics and spelling- 

In EYFS and in Year 1 daily phonics sessions occur. In year 2, phonics continues to be taught daily in Autumn term the followed by spelling patterns that are taught on a weekly basis as well as the common exception words. 

Emergent writing- 

In EYFS there are opportunities across the curriculum and in its organisation for emergent writing to occur within both the indoor and outdoor curriculum. 

Shared Writing, Guided Writing/Independent Writing- 

Is planned for and taught as part of the Literacy sessions. 

Extended writing/writing across the curriculum- 

All classes explore opportunities for writing across the curriculum wherever possible. Teachers also provide regular opportunities for sustained, independent writing that can be used for assessment purposes. We also use comparative assessment through No More Marking for Year 1 to Year 6.


Handwriting is practised and taught throughout the school. From reception children are taught cursive letter shapes, pencil grip and position for writing. They are given opportunities through play and with an adult to initially mark make and then begin to record their oral sentences. In year 1 and 2 children are taught how to join, and practice this daily.  By the end of year 2 children are expected to join consistently.

In key stage 2 handwriting is still taught weekly particularly in lower year groups as part of spelling expectations. Those children who can consistently join and present their work in literacy and across the curriculum well are rewarded with a pen license. 

It is expected that children will be given as many opportunities as possible to use and apply their writing skills across all text types and across the whole curriculum. Teachers plan for this accordingly using The Reading into Writing Sequence. 

