Eco Committee
Each class has its own Eco Committee members, who are responsible for their own environment, checking that there is no undue wastage in the classroom , checking recycling bins, lights and water and other resources. They have just started working toward the Eco Schools Awards and they will also be liaising with the Gardening & Eco Club to establish other initiatives throughout the year and will be doing the RSPB Big Birdwatch in the Spring.
Watch out for the latest news and tips from the Eco Committee on the school newsletter.
Our intrepid Eco-Committee members ventured into the village for a litter/recycling pick along High Street, Ridgeway and round back to the school, collecting a number of small items - doing their bit for the community. Thankfully, there is not too much litter in the village, but small amounts can always be found. Thanks to their good work and awareness there is a little less.