We believe that communication is key and that it is vital to develop speaking and listening skills early on, so that children develop their communication skills, their imagination and their literacy skills.
The Oracy Framework
What is oracy?
Oracy gives every child the opportunity to find their voice; to articulate their ideas, thoughts and feelings clearly and coherently and develops understanding. Effective communication helps every child to fulfil their potential and flourish in their school life and beyond.
How do we support the development of oracy?
Our Oracy curriculum is underpinned by the Oracy Framework created by Voice 21. The Oracy framework uses four vital strands; physical, linguistic, cognitive, social and emotional.
Through a high quality Oracy education, students learn through talk and learn to talk. The use of oracy is relevant for every curriculum areas.
Teachers at The Dassett carefully plan, model and scaffold talk in the classroom which aims to heightens subject knowledge and understanding for our learners.
We encourage our pupils to speak in full, coherent sentences when sharing their ideas and using spoken language. We have created a bank of differentiated sentence stems which our learners have access to in their classrooms and are carefully used in teacher’s planning. Please feel free to use these with your children at home.
Key Stage 2 Stem Sentences:
Key Stage 1 Stem Sentences:
EYFS Stem Sentences
Vocabulary Development
Vocabulary use and development is key to children learning how to communicate their ideas and knowledge effectively with others. Understanding the differences between the types of vocabulary that are used dependent on situation enables our pupils to be conscious communicators and take that language from verbal and oral practice to written form with confidence.