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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Admissions and Arrangements to Visit this School

All staff and volunteers working in our school share a responsibility for promoting and safeguarding the welfare of the children with whom they come into contact.


As prospective parents you are welcome to visit us in order to assess the opportunities provided for your children. It is advisable to telephone in advance to make sure that the Headteacher is available to show you around the school and answer any questions. Our phone number is 01295 770267.


As a Voluntary Controlled Church of England School, our admissions are through Warwickshire Local Authority.  As a local authority maintained school, admissions will be administered though Warwickshire’s process, as outlined in our determined policies, which can be found at:  

The website for  Warwickshire school admissions is


We hold open mornings for prospective Reception parents in the Autumn Term, but if you are unable to attend these please  contact the school and arrange an appointment to view the school at a convenient time. We are more than happy for you to visit the school as a family .


For those due to start Reception at the beginning of the academic year, we invite all parents to an introductory meeting to see the school and to meet their child's prospective teacher in July; a series of weekly visits from Feeder nurseries are arranged for the summer term. These sessions enable your child to get to know their teacher and the other children, and their way around the school. During these early days we value the opportunity for you to tell us anything about your child that will help us care for them.

