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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Increased ICT

    Wed 31 Jul 2013
    As part of the continued expansion of our ICT provision there are now a number of PCs set up and networked in the Big Workroom for pupils and staff to use during the school day. This is in addition to the new ICT suite, the laptops in classrooms and the i-pad mini we now have in school. The plan is to put further PCs into the Big Workroom and to also make these available to pupils and parents after school. Mr Hann is busy thinking about how to spend the sponsor money from the Great Summer Quiz so watch this space for exciting future developments....
  • Measles and Your Child

    Sat 27 Jul 2013

    We have been asked by Public Health to ensure this information reaches parents of children on roll to make them aware of the danger of measles and the importance of immunisation. Please take a moment to read the pdf or go to the link.


  • 180th Birthday Spectacular - Report and Pictures

    Fri 19 Jul 2013

    Thursday was a simply wonderful day and the children looked marvellous as they arrived in their Victorian Costumes for their Victorian birthday party. Each child went into our Victorian Classroom and took part in a Victorian lesson – some children paid their ‘pennies’, one child in each class had to be given the back straightener because they were slumping at their desk and one child in each class received the attendance award. ‘Sir’ and ‘Miss’ from the Warwickshire Heritage Education Service were so convincing and the children had a superb time, learning about life in a Victorian school.

    Throughout the rest of the day we had children playing with Victorian toys and investigating different ‘real life’ Victorian children. At lunchtime it was a pleasure to see so many of you at our family picnic and we were all, very sensibly, enjoying our picnics in the shade of the trees and gazebos. We welcomed back many past members of staff and Miss Gasson, Mrs Lester and Mrs Williams-Cooke were greeted enthusiastically by the children. It was a real testament to the event that we had 5 Headteachers represented and, at the end of lunchtime, Mrs Stubbings (widow of Bill Stubbings, headteacher from 1945-1986), Mrs Pat Daly (1986-1995), Mrs Helen Barnwell (1995-2004), Mrs Williams-Cooke (2005-2011) and Mrs Hine (2012-present) all helped to cut the stunning birthday cake, very kindly provided by Mrs Straw. I hope Mrs Straw could hear the round of applause and expressions of delight at her amazing ‘Dassett Logo’ cake, where she was! We had a very short Victorian drill (due to the heat), consisting of breathing exercises and stretching, before marching back into school for further activities.

    At the end of the day each child left clutching their very own copy of our amazing book ‘Roof Off The Dassett’, which we feel is a beautiful memento of the day and a social history of this moment in the life of our unique school. We really hope you enjoy reading it. We do have some extra copies in the school office if anyone would like one for the price of £3.50. Your children were so impressive in every way on this special day – it was incredibly warm but I did not hear one moan or groan! We are very proud of them all! Photographs are on the ‘About Us/Curriculum/Enrichment Activities’ section of the website. Original large scale copies (up to 5mb) for printing can be ordered for 50p per photograph - please email school office with photos required.
  • Order the 'Roof Off The Dassett' Publication

    Fri 19 Jul 2013

    In 1947, and then again in 1967, a highly regarded survey was conducted by the children of The Fenny Compton School under the guidance of the then Headteacher W H (Bill) Stubbings. It was an extensive look at the village of Fenny Compton, a thorough in-depth survey looking at all the major aspects of life in a 1947/67 country village. This survey was so well thought of, that it was published it as a booklet ‘Roof Off Fenny Compton.’

    Mr Stubbings in his foreword of the 1968 publication warned of the danger of so many changes having taken place between the two surveys so gradually and unobtrusively, so smoothly in fact that they could go unrecognised. The school itself had made the seismic shift from 6 buckets to 10 water toilets alone!

    Well, we wondered what he would make of the shift that has occurred in the subsequent 46 years. Not least would be the closure of the Fenny Compton, Northend and Farnborough Schools and their amalgamation into what we now know and love as The Dassett.

    This in itself has obviously dramatically changed the dynamic of what a modern survey could and should look to achieve. We thought that we would embrace the spirit of the original Roof Off Fenny Compton surveys with a look at the history and background of the village itself, but rather than just restrict the questions to the villagers here in Fenny Compton we would make it more personal to the children of the school and make it a survey about them and their families, across all of the villages that The Dassett school serves.

    To achieve this we worked closely with local historians and got the children to compile extensive information about their and their families lives to bring Roof Off into the 21st Century, to do justice to the original project and make this a truly unique social commentary on our school and village as a part of our 180 years celebrations.

    Copies of this 36 page book are now available from the school office for £3.50 plus p+p. To order a copy please contact

  • Bhangra with a Bang

    Sat 13 Jul 2013

    What a world encompassing evening of rhythm and dance. The Kineton Cluster of schools put on a Multicultural Arts Festival, a fabulous evening of entertainment, set on the fields at Kineton High School, and revelling in the sort of temperatures more accustomed to the countries the children were representing.

    Each of the groups of children from the nine schools put on a different performance with music, storytelling or dance from around the world, celebrating the diversity of arts from indigenous cultures. African and Aboriginal rhythms and sounds were heard and then The Dassett children took the stage (well grass) and did a, truly amazing, Bhangra performance. A pulsating mix of Punjabi folk and Western pop, our children showed great style and timing in presenting this fast moving story telling dance.

    It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening and our thanks go to Devinder and Liz from In2Cultures, all of the cluster schools, Kineton High for hosting the event and to all of the parents who attended, for making it feel such a party atmosphere. Most of all a big thank you and well done to all of the children for putting so much effort in and putting on such a professional and stylish show.

    Pictures from the evening are available in About Us/ Curriculum/ Enrichment Activities/Cluster Multicultural Arts Festival.

  • Our Final Finishing Flourish

    Thu 11 Jul 2013

    Next week is a spectacular one at The Dassett! 

    On Monday at 9.30am we have our Leavers’ Assembly where we will be saying well done and so long to the pupils who are leaving us. Everyone welcome.

    On Tuesday Year 1 and 2 parents are invited in for an outdoor sculpture workshop between 9.30 and 11.30am.

    Later that day (3.30 - 5.30pm) we have our Open Session, where you can ‘drop in’ to see the class teachers to discuss the annual report if wanted or to simply sit and have a look at your child’s work with them. You may want to meet your child’s next teacher.

    On Wednesday we will be having a whole school film in the afternoon.

    On Thursday it is our 180th Birthday celebration.
    Children will be dressed up in Victorian Costume and having a Victorian schoolroom with the Warwickshire Heritage Education Team from St. John’s Museum in Warwick. At lunchtime we will be having a family picnic lunch. Please arrive at 11.50am and set up on the school field, bringing a picnic for you and your family and something to sit on. If you are unable to make it please remember to send in a packed lunch with your child and they will, I’m sure, be invited to join their friends for their lunch. Please come through the side pedestrian gates in Mill Lane and Memorial Road. There will be gazebos set up for shade (hopefully) or shelter! At the end of lunch we will cut our birthday cake (courtesy of Mrs Straw) and then have a Maypole Dancing Demonstration and whole school Victorian Drill (PE lesson). At the end of this drill (approx. 1.20pm) parents will depart so that we can continue the day. At the end of the day all pupils will be presented with their commemorative publication ‘Roof off The Dassett’, produced entirely by and for, those linked to The Dassett School.
    Thank you to those of you who have contributed £3 per pupil towards this event as it will be truly memorable for your children and without these contributions it would not be possible to put them on.

    On Thursday evening we have the Year 6 Leavers’ Barn Dance, featuring a live band and delicious food. All children are to be accompanied by an adult.

    Friday is the last day of term. We will be finishing the day (from 2.15pm) with a special Leavers’ Assembly for Mrs Payne – all parents who have had children in Mrs Payne’s class (or been in one of her classes themselves!) are welcome, as are past pupils, if they have finished school!

    School finishes at 3.15pm as usual and we wish you all very happy holidays and, our leavers, the best of luck for the future.

  • Uniform for September

    Thu 11 Jul 2013

    If you are thinking about uniform for September already then don’t forget that, if you order your new uniform from Sew Sublime in Banbury online, our school gets some commission via our ‘Friends’.
    Link from our website is below or in Parents/School Uniform. Also please do remember that skirts and trousers should only be grey.


  • Photos

    Thu 11 Jul 2013

    We have been asked by several parents if they could get hold of larger size (printable) versions of pictures of their children that appear on the website, for example the recent ones of sports day. The online files are greatly reduced as they are uploaded by primary site, to facilitate much higher levels of storage on the website, however we can email the original sized pictures to you so that you can save them to your own albums and/or print them out etc.

    If there are any photos that you would like then please let us know which event and the file location and the picture number on the specific page and an email address to send them to and we will arrange to get them forwarded. In return we would ask that you make a small contribution to the school which will all go into the school fund. We would suggest an amount of 50p per photograph.

  • Christopher Columbus The World is Round

    Tue 09 Jul 2013

    Crazy….I don’t think so!

    Absolutely fantastic – I do think so!
    What a truly wonderful performance from our Year 5 and Year 6 pupils this year. They sang their hearts out and the acting was superb as we heard about Christopher Columbus and his Crazy idea that the World is Round! The children were confident in their acting, lines and singing and their costumes were superb. We all laughed a lot and also learnt a lot, as the children entertained us. It was a fantastic night's entertainment from our very talented children - a massive well done to you all.
    It was a great topic for the show, cleverly linking in with their theme of ‘The Tudors’ and we really must also say a huge thank you to all of the staff involved in making this such a success – Mr Hann, Miss Letchford, Mrs Brice, Mrs Cooper and Mrs Foley.

  • Musical Talent

    Mon 08 Jul 2013
    A big well done and thank you to the children who performed in our two musical assemblies - the orchestra played beautifully and then each group or soloist amazed us with their talent. We had flutes, clarinets, guitars, trumpets and cornets played by children from 7-11years of age. The tunes were superb and the timing was spot on - the audience joined in enthusiastically and applauded loudly. In the afternoon our violinists performed superbly and showed us how to play this wonderful instrument. We all really enjoyed the confident performances and than the children for their marvellous efforts. A big thank you to Mrs Ashton and Mrs Gosling our teachers from the County Music Service for their help and suppport not just today but throughout the year.

