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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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The Friends PTA

Welcome to our PTA Section.

Our PTA are known to us as The Friends of The Dassett School and they are integral to the day to day running and success of The Dassett.

The Friends of The Dassett are a dedicated group of parents who meet to help fundraise for the benefit of the pupils at The Dassett Church of England Primary School. They are really enthusiastic and regularly organise fun events for the whole family to attend such as a Christmas Fayre, School Discos, Cake, Plant and Book Sales, Movie nights, Bingo and Summer Fayres.


The funds that they raise are spent directly on the school and its pupils. Past examples of where this money has been spent include coaches for all school trips, ICT equipment, books, Play equipment, special experiences such as drum and dance workshops, setting up after-school clubs and in school theatre performances, to name but a few! Their contribution is really important in making children’s learning and experiences exciting, motivating and truly memorable.


We welcome your help

The more volunteers we have, the less work there is for each of us to do. Everybody is welcome, our meetings are at school on a weekday evening at least once a term and are publicised in the weekly school newsletter 'In Touch' and on Please come along and see what little you have to do to make a real difference to your child’s education. Each year we ask for a parent to volunteer as a representative for each class, including Reception.


Current Committee:  Sarah Cowling - Chair, Simon Cowling - Vice Chair, Alicia Warner - Treasurer,  - Secretary, Alicia Warner, Tammy Davis, Lucy Hillman

What you get out of it

Apart from augmenting the quality of your children’s education, joining in with The Friends is fun, and is a great way to get to know more people in your local community.

To come and support The Dassett at future Friends events see the Upcoming Events section below.


Please contact The Friends via email on

