Badgers (Year 5 and Year 6)
Teachers: Mr D Hackett and Mrs R Proudfoot
Welcome to the Year 5/6 Badgers' Class Page
We are extremely excited to be teaching you this term and have a number of exciting topics in different subject areas to teach you. Beneath this post is all the information you will need about classroom routines and arrangements as well as our class timetable and our subject knowledge organisers. Should you require any additional information about anything we are learning in class or just have something you would like to ask about, don't hesitate in contacting either myself or Mrs Proudfoot directly through SeeSaw. We will respond to you within 48 hours. Should it be more immediately pressing, contact the school office via the admin email.
Spring Term Learning
We begin the term studying fractions. We'll start by looking at equivalent fractions including recognising them, placing them on a number line and simplifying fractions. We'll then move onto converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. Using these skills, we'll compare and order fractions before moving onto carrying out calculations involving fractions and use all four operations as part of this (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). We'll finish this unit by finding fractions of an amount.
Next, we'll look at decimals in more detail after our work on them earlier in the year. This section will include ordering and comparing a range of decimals and rounding decimals up to 2 decimal places. We'll then work on a range of calculations involving decimals.
Also this term we will look at Area, Perimeter and Volume. We'll focus on the perimeter of rectangles and rectilinear shapes before moving onto area work on rectangles, compound shapes, triangles and parallelograms. This section of work will finish will looking at volume, including calculating the volume of a cuboid.
To round off the term we'll use our prior fractions and decimals knowledge and combine this with learning about percentages. We'll start by looking at equivalent fractions and decimals, percentages as fractions and as decimals and then bring this together to look at equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. This unit will finish by looking at percentages of an amount.
Our science learning for the first part of the term will link into our Sow, Grow and Farm project. We will learn about food webs and animal life cycles and look at how different living things depend on one another within a habitat. We'll then go onto learning about the different way plants reproduce and dissect flowers to look at the different structures present.
Our next topic of Human Reproduction and Ageing will look in more detail at mammalian life cycles and leading on from that the human life cycle. We will look in detail at how humans change as they get older.
Design and Technology
This term we will be looking at a unit called Sow, Grow and Farm. Linking in with our science, this topic looks at allotments in the United Kingdom. Children will learn about farming in the United Kingdom and how modern farming is carried out, including the challenges that farmers face. They will look at eating seasonally and the pros and cons of importing food. We'll move on to learning about world farming and how different climate zones impact the types of food can be grown. Geography skills such as using grid references and climate zone will be developed and links to history will be made through discussing why allotments we're important during the Second World War.
We will start the term with looking at our dreams and goals. Children will identify their own strengths and look at setting challenging but realistic goals. We'll look at small steps to achieve these goals as well as how to stay motivated. We'll take a global perspective and think about people living in difficult situations around the world.
We'll then move onto our 'Healthy Me' unit and discuss taking responsibility for our own physical and emotional health and the choices linked to this. We'll also have a discussions about different types of drugs, exploitation and gang culture. We'll finish with looking at mental health and strategies to use when we are feeling stressed.
Modern Foreign Languages- French
In our French lessons we will be learning about French TV and Film. Children will learn to discuss, in French, what they watch on TV or at the cinema. They'll learn to say their opinions on these and practice using the future tense to say what they will see at the cinema or watch on TV. Using their speaking skills, they will ask what others watch on TV or at the cinema.
Religious Education
In the first half of the term we will be studying a unit of 'Composing and Chords'. We will look at how playing three or more pitches played together can create a chord and form the accompaniments in music. This will involve looking at a variety of music styles including South African pop and orchestral music.
In the second half of the term we will expand our knowledge of musical styles during the 'Enjoying Musical Styles' unit. We will focus on texture in music (the layers of sound in a piece of music) and listen to pieces of music that combine voices and instruments.
In Computing we will first be completing our work on e-safety by looking at digital footprints, how technology improves our lives and thinking about our screen time use.
We will then move onto looking at using external devices. We will be coding two programmes; one that uses an external device to monitor real world conditions and a simple quiz program that is answered using an external device.
Information to remember
Reading | Please bring completed reading record in on a Friday. House points and other prizes will be rewarded for those who read at least three times a week and recorded it. |
PE | PE is on a Thursday. Children will come to school in their PE kit. Please remember a black sweatshirt or hoodie as the majority of PE is outside. |
Spellings | Spellings will be set on a Friday in preparation for a test the following Friday. Children will practice them in their spelling journals where they will also complete their spelling lessons. All spellings will be set on SpelingFrame. |
Homework | Will be set on TT Rockstars . Children will have six days to complete their tasks and again prizes and house points will be rewarded for effort. It is expected that children will work on their timestables at least three times per week. |