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Squirrels (Year 1 and Year 2)

Class Teacher: Mrs Griffiths

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Malby and Mrs Patey


Welcome to Squirrels class page!


I am really looking forward to getting stuck into our new topic for the autumn term, Movers and Shakers. This project teaches children about historically significant people who have had a major impact on the world. They will learn to use timelines, stories and historical sources to find out about the people featured and use historical models to explore their significance. We will be dipping into this history topic for our English learning as well.


We will continue to fill our days with phonics, RE, PSHE, PE, science, art, DT, Geography, computing, spelling and grammar and music!


Mr Stopps will teach the children PE and forest school on a Friday afternoon. For PE day on a Friday, please make sure the children are wearing appropriate clothing. PE kit should be shorts/joggers/legging in black, dark blue or grey, with a white t-shirt and a jumper/hoody in black, dark blue or grey. For forest school, water proof coats and trousers will be required. Children should be wearing trainers for outside sports and have welly boots for forest school.


I am really looking forward to a fabulous Autumn term!


Mrs Griffiths

