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Bears (Year 3 and Year 4)

Welcome to the Year 3/4 Bears’ class page. 


Class teacher: Mr Foyle

Class teaching assistant: Miss Hillman

PPA is covered by Mrs Proudfoot on a Monday afternoon, in which the children cover Music, Computing and some French


Spring Term! New Year is upon us and below is outline of each the topics we will be learning about over the course of these two spring terms.  A timetable and knowledge organisers are attached at the foot of the page.  We look forward to working together with your child and you during the course of the term.  Please approach us with any questions or concerns either at drop-off/pick-up or via Seesaw messaging.  Alternately for something immediately pressing, please telephone the school office or use the admin email.



Following our English model of a text/ writing genre each fortnight, our studies this term will include: Charlotte’s Web (focusing on narrative endings), Escape from Pompeii (recount/diary entry), The Pebble in my Pocket (non-fiction).  In the second-half term, texts with a narrative focus include: The Wild Robot, The Lost, Varjak Paw, concluding with a short poetry unit.

Underpinning this work are regular spelling, grammar and handwriting lessons.  Furthermore, a whole-class reading comprehension scheme is taught each week.



We start the term extending our work on multiplication and division from basic tables knowledge to written methodologies for three-digit numbers by a single digit involving exchanges.  We will then progress on to  a host of fraction work: numerators and denominators; equivalence; comparing and ordering; proper and improper fractions/mixed numbers; concluding with adding and subtracting simple fractions.  Following this, we will look at decimals and money before finishing the term with some shape and space work.



We will be considering forces with a series of investigations from basic push/pulls, to frictional forces.  Scientific enquiry skills will be further developed through this work.  Thereafter we will study non-contact forces, specifically: magnetism.



Physical Geography is the driver for our studies this term with geology focus, looking at the structure of the Earth, types of rock, rock usage, fossils and soil.  We will also encounter plate tectonics and the resultant violence of plate movement in the form of volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis.



Our history studies support the above geography-focused project with a look at historic famous volcanic eruptions (for example: Pompeii), and the fossil record etc.



Linked our science and geography, our project this term is entitled ‘Ammonite’ referring to the sea creatures that lived millions of years ago that had ribbed, spiral-shaped outer shells, now fossilised.  These will form the inspiration for a one or more of the following  artistic techniques: sketching, printmaking or sculpture.


Design & Technology

Linked our science and geography, we will look at cam mechanisms as means to create movement (with reduced friction) for various purposes, designing, making and evaluating a simple toy.



In the first half-term we will look at a Worldview unit on Buddhism from the New Agreed Coventry and Warwickshire Syllabus.  The unit looks at Buddha’s life and teachings, exploring the concept of nontheism; how Buddhists view the self and soul; meditation; daily living as a Buddhist and whether or not it is easy to be enlightened in this day and age.

After half-term, we consider units from Understanding Christianity about the kind of world Jesus wanted and Salvation as we approach Easter.



Following the Jigsaw scheme, our units this term are Dreams and Goals in which we consider our individual goals and group/teamworking exercises; followed by Healthy Me that looks at friendships, peer-pressure and assertiveness skills. 



Our outdoor invasion games curriculum will see us looking Netball in the first half-term and Tag Rugby in the second-half term.

Indoor wise, we will be doing dance and gymnastics respectively.



Using the Lightening Languages scheme, we will look at the body (which consolidates our English science work from last term) and colours.



Our music studies will follow the Charanga programme of study for Year 3-4



Computing this term will continue with Purple Mash units.


Information to remember



Please bring in completed reading record on a Friday.  House points and other prizes will be rewarded for those who read at least three times per week and recorded it.



PE is on a Thursday.  Children are to come to school in their PE kit.  Please remember suitable attire for outdoor PE (joggers and sweatshirt/hoodie - preferably black).  Netball will take place on the playground.  Where possible, Tag Rugby drills and games will be on the field – if not too water-logged.  Muddied footwear and kit is to be expected.  Indoor PE, is a white t-shirt and shorts, worn under the outdoor kit.  Indoor PE is done barefoot.  Parents should inform the teacher of any verruca’s, which should be appropriately dressed/covered.  



Follow a denoted scheme and are sent home on Friday for a test the following Friday.  Whilst conventions are taught in class and exercises take place each week, please ensure home supports brief daily practice.  A couple of words each new day will ensure success.



Homework is sent via Seesaw each Friday and encompasses a request for regular reading (as monitored in the Reading Records), spelling and TT Rockstars™ (multiplication) practice.  On occasion an additional task may be included to consolidate or extend class learning.


Mr Foyle & Miss Hillman

