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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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School Meals

The Dassett C of E Primary AND Educaterers Ltd - Food For Life Silver Award Holders

Welcome to our school meals' pages

School dinners are cooked on the premises and are extremely good value at £2.65. Dinners may be ordered weekly from school and, for pupils in Key Stage 2, should be paid for in advance through our ParentPay online system. 

Free school meals can be provided to those who qualify for Pupil Premium. They are available to children whose parents receive either Income Support or Income Based Job Seekers’ Allowance. For further details please see the school secretary or the link below.

Since September 2014 all infant children (Reception to Year 2) are offered a free school meal cooked on the premises by our amazing kitchen staff - Mrs Warner and Miss Davis, who work for Educaterers Ltd. There will still be a choice of 4 meal options a day and you do not have to register to receive them – it is an automatic entitlement. There is also bread and salad available for all children who are having a school dinner.

Children may bring a packed lunch if parents wish. We would ask that these be as healthy as possible and should not include sweets. Glass bottles or fizzy drinks are not allowed. We recommend that you use an insulated lunch box throughout the year for health reasons. Ice packs are great to add in the Summer. We have children in school with severe allergies so we would ask that you do not send items in packed lunches that have nuts in them. 

There are four lunchtime supervisors who are responsible for helping children with their lunches, lunchtime behaviour and general supervision.

Key Stage One children will be given free fruit under the Free Fruit for Schools scheme at break-time. 
Key Stage Two children are allowed to bring in fruit, vegetables, plain biscuits or rice cakes.  Please make sure any snacks sent in are nut free.
Every child is encouraged to bring in a bottle of water which he/she can drink at any time.
Our school meals come via Educaterers Ltd. (Food For Life Silver Caterers) and are divided into Week 1,2, and 3 on a rolling basis.


For our complete week by week, day by day in-depth menu choices see the Menus below.

(V) denotes Vegetarian choice (H) denotes Homemade (MCS) denotes Marine Stewardship Council Sustainability Mark

A vegetarian choice is not available each day – if your child needs a meal other than those shown please contact your school cook in the first instance.

All meals are served with either, a potato dish, rice, pasta or noodles and a selection of seasonal vegetables and salads.

Fresh fruit (V) is served each day as an alternative pudding.

A choice of milk drink or Aqua Juice fruit cordial is served everyday as an alternative to chilled water. A bread basket selection and chilled water are available throughout lunch.

We do not offer the deli bags but can provide a packed lunch for pupils who receive free school meals if they are going on a school trip. Packed lunches can also be supplied for those children who are entitled to universal free school meals (Reception and Key Stage 1) when a trip is taking place. You will be notified of school trips in good time to organise this. Please see the office if you have any questions.


Please note that the menu may be altered from time to time; parents are advised to check with the school cook if necessary.

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