School Uniform
We are very proud of the appearance of the children at The Dassett C of E Primary School.
Our uniform is a symbol of belonging to The Dassett and underlines the sense of community we seek to develop. The children should take pride in their appearance and present a positive image for their school. We ask for your support in this matter. On rare occasions we may need to talk to children and parents of our expectations with regard to dress.
School uniform is to be worn by all pupils. Long hair should be tied up in simple black, white or burgundy bands and no jewellery (apart from a wrist watch) is allowed.
This is an important way of showing that we all belong to one school.
The children designed the logo on the sweatshirt.
Please make sure that all items of clothing and footwear are clearly marked with your child’s name. The majority of the uniform can be purchased from large retailers at quite reasonable prices.
Our Suppliers
Our suppliers of the embroidered school sweatshirt, cardigan, polo shirt, coat, Book Bags and PE Bags. These can be bought online from either MyClothing, Brigade, School Trends and Funky Stitch using the following links:
School Trends
Funky stitch
Unit 2, Mallorie House, Beaumont Road, Banbury OX16 1RH. Order at 01295 263233 or
Brigade Customer Service -
Brigade How to Order Guide - –
Brigade How to Measure Guide -
Brigade Uniform Supplier
Second Hand Uniform
If you would like good quality second hand uniform as spare uniform please contact Mrs Kim Pretorius on 07931393718 or the school office.
Price List
Coats £3.00
Sweatshirts/Cardigans £2.00
Grey Pinafore Dresses £1.00
Red Dresses (Summer) £1.00
Trousers/Shorts/Joggers £1.00
Plimsoles 50p
Polo shirts/Shirts 50p