Visions and Values
We care for ourselves, each other, our school and our world.
Our school exists to serve the unique academic, physical, social, and emotional needs of its students. We are committed to providing the best, quality education for our pupils as they grow and flourish through Primary school and towards the next stage of their life and their learning.
We aim to send our pupils off to secondary school equipped to continue their successes there.
The staff of our school is committed to creating and maintaining an orderly, trusting, and caring environment where teaching and learning are exciting and students are assisted as they develop responsibility for their own learning. Our educational provision is designed to accommodate all individual needs and styles so that all may experience success. We believe in equity - providing what each person needs so that they can flourish.
Core values – Our Code of Conduct is based on the following Core Values and provides guidelines for how we should lead our lives in order to do our best and help others to do the same.
Our core Values help us REACH our potential as shown below
Respect – We consider each other and accept our differences.
Equity– We treat each other fairly and ensure that we all get what we need to succeed.
Ambition – We have ambition for ourselves and our friends – to do well.
Care – We care for ourselves, each other, our school, and the wider world.
Honesty – We are honest with ourselves and each other – we tell the truth.
We have chosen one of our values and we have thought about how we care, within the arms of God.
We care for ourselves, each other, our school and the wider world.
We care for ourselves:-
How Should I Care for Myself?
Spending time with God and knowing God is the first and most important part of biblical self-care. Here are four passages of scripture that offer us instruction on how to look after ourselves:
Mark 1:35 says,
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”
Here we see Jesus modelling a quiet time, by himself and praying. To properly care for oneself, it is important to spend time with ourselves and think about our place int he world and in the family of God.
Matthew 15:32 says:
“Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may collapse on the way.”
When Jesus feeds his followers, he gives them what they need at that time. Jesus sets a precedent for eating and making sure we take proper care of ourselves. He wants us to be healthy. He gives us what we need.
1 Corinthians 6:19–20 says:
“Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, therefore honour God with your bodies.”
We are precious and hold great value, and we should take care of the temples we reside in — our bodies. This means we should eat well, have exercise, and watch what we do by avoiding things that may be physically or spiritually harmful.
Christians care for themselves not just for their own good, but so that they can care for others. Scripture says to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love your neighbour as you love yourself.