The Dassett Supports

Below are the links to some of the wide array of organisations and charities that we have supported and worked with over the past year, from groups like the RSPB who came to visit us during the national bird watch to donation sites like The Giving Machine where you can help us support The Friends of The Dassett support us!
World Book Day
We are delighted to support World Book Day and focus age specific course work around the chosen books.
Christmas Jumper Day
We join in Christmas Jumper Day to support Save the Children.
Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion is at the heart of a national network that supports our Armed Forces Community.
Fosse Foodbank
We support this local charity at Harvest time by donating food and other household items.
MacMillan Cancer Support
This year we held a cake raffle to raise funds for this cause. Helping to fight cancer with our involvement in the world's biggest coffee morning.
Children Mental Health Week
We acknowledge Children's Mental Health Week.
Jeans for Genes Day
We have gladly supported this wonderful charity that helps to support children who have genetic disorders and their families.
Easy Fundraising
Donate to The Dassett every time you shop online at a wide array of shops.
The Giving Machine
Donate to The Dassett from a huge array of online stores.
The Nature Detectives Club
As a part of The Woodland Trust we are members of The Nature Detectives Club.
RHS School Gardens
Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity
We take part in The Dahlicious Dress Up Day. Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity exists to make seriously ill children's lives better. Quentin Blake Nurse Illustration Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity cares about children with lifelong neurological and blood conditions. These rare conditions receive very little funding, even though they have a huge impact on both the child and the family around them. We work in partnership with organisations who share our belief that all children have the right to the best possible quality of life. We raise money to help support children in the UK living with conditions like acquired brain injury, neuro-degenerative conditions, rare forms of epilepsy and long-term blood diseases (excluding cancer).
We work closely with The RSPB around The Big Garden Birdwatch and are delighted to have them come and talk to and work with the children.
Sports Relief
An inspiration for many fun fundraisers!
Warwickshire Fire and Rescue
Our local fire and rescue service.
Warwickshire Police
We look forward to regular visits from our local community police officers.
The Woodland Trust
We are delighted to be involved with The Woodland Trust and working towards the Green Tree Schools Award and part of the Jubiliee Woods.