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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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At The Dassett C of E Primary School, we consider that it is of vital importance that children have a secure understanding of the link between letters and sounds and how we use these to help us to read and write. Phonic skills need to be developed in a systematic approach in order to support all children to learn to the best of their ability. Teachers at The Dassett, implement exciting and interactive phonic sessions which engage all children in this area of learning.

  • In Reception, the focus builds upon games that support recognition of sounds, focusing upon linking sounds to letters. Each letter is taught along with a picture and a formation rhyme which helps the children to match each letter sound and remember how it is correctly formed. The children will learn to blend sounds together to read words. They will also learn to segment the sounds they can hear in a word to enable them to spell it. Using our 'Twinkl Phonics' scheme, we teach levels 2 - 4 in Reception.
  • Throughout year 1, children are taught the level 5 sounds where they explore alternative vowel digraphs and continue learning new sounds to apply into their independent reading and writing.
  • In year 2, children are taught level 6 which has a focus on grammar and spelling rules. This supports children's growing ability to read and apply rules when spelling.


Tricky words are taught from Reception and increase in difficulty as the children's reading ability grows.

Twinkl Phonics Progression Map

