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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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A Portal to the Past

On Monday we had a caveman in school and on Tuesday we had an Ancient Roman citizen. He spent all day with Year 3 and 4 pupils respectively immersing them in the lives and people of these periods in history and it was absolutely wonderful. The pupils were so enthusiastic about their days and learnt an enormous amount - they did not stop from 9am – 3.15pm (apart from lunch of course), which made it a totally packed day with no time spent on a coach. Thank you to the parents from these year groups who contributed to the cost of this educational experience – just as with visits out of school, your contributions are crucial as otherwise the cost must come from the school budget, to the detriment of other key areas. I am sure that the enjoyment of learning and knowledge gleaned by your children shows the importance of offering these experiences in bringing learning alive. Photographs are on the class pages on the website.

