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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Africa Arts Week and Exhibition

We had the most fantastic 3 days in school in the last week of term as we have learnt about the continent of Africa, its people, traditions and culture during our Arts ‘Week’.

The activities have included recreating a large piece of art by a modern African artist, making replica Zulu and Masai shields, African drumming, masks from a range of materials, 3D fish, Masai necklaces and Tinga-Tinga paintings. Rainsticks have been created and played and danced with. Poetry has been written and stunning computer generated Adinkra patterns have emerged from the printer. Beautiful African sunsets have shown great artistic skill and clay has been moulded into wonderful African pinch pots. The children all surpassed themselves as they took part in the African Dance Workshop on Thursday, which was fully funded by ‘The Friends’- thank you so much. It was a joy to see the delight and enthusiasm on every child’s face as they joined in this extravaganza of artistic endeavour. A massive thank you to the staff for their creativity in planning such a vast array of activities for the children and the volunteers for their dedication and time in helping children to progress their knowledge, skill and talent.

I do not think there is a single child who cannot say that they have achieved something they may not have thought they could do this week and it is experiences like this that, I feel, make The Dassett such a special place.

The culmination of these efforts, The Dassett ‘African’ Art Exhibition is to take place on Friday 7th 6 -8pm and Saturday 8th of November 10am – 12pm. Please join us for a glass of wine on the Friday evening or a tea or coffee on the Saturday and enjoy the amazing array of talent on show.

Further pictures and video is available in the Gallery.

