Our Final Finishing Flourish
Next week is a spectacular one at The Dassett!
On Monday at 9.30am we have our Leavers’ Assembly where we will be saying well done and so long to the pupils who are leaving us. Everyone welcome.
On Tuesday Year 1 and 2 parents are invited in for an outdoor sculpture workshop between 9.30 and 11.30am.
Later that day (3.30 - 5.30pm) we have our Open Session, where you can ‘drop in’ to see the class teachers to discuss the annual report if wanted or to simply sit and have a look at your child’s work with them. You may want to meet your child’s next teacher.
On Wednesday we will be having a whole school film in the afternoon.
On Thursday it is our 180th Birthday celebration.
Children will be dressed up in Victorian Costume and having a Victorian schoolroom with the Warwickshire Heritage Education Team from St. John’s Museum in Warwick. At lunchtime we will be having a family picnic lunch. Please arrive at 11.50am and set up on the school field, bringing a picnic for you and your family and something to sit on. If you are unable to make it please remember to send in a packed lunch with your child and they will, I’m sure, be invited to join their friends for their lunch. Please come through the side pedestrian gates in Mill Lane and Memorial Road. There will be gazebos set up for shade (hopefully) or shelter! At the end of lunch we will cut our birthday cake (courtesy of Mrs Straw) and then have a Maypole Dancing Demonstration and whole school Victorian Drill (PE lesson). At the end of this drill (approx. 1.20pm) parents will depart so that we can continue the day. At the end of the day all pupils will be presented with their commemorative publication ‘Roof off The Dassett’, produced entirely by and for, those linked to The Dassett School.
Thank you to those of you who have contributed £3 per pupil towards this event as it will be truly memorable for your children and without these contributions it would not be possible to put them on.
On Thursday evening we have the Year 6 Leavers’ Barn Dance, featuring a live band and delicious food. All children are to be accompanied by an adult.
Friday is the last day of term. We will be finishing the day (from 2.15pm) with a special Leavers’ Assembly for Mrs Payne – all parents who have had children in Mrs Payne’s class (or been in one of her classes themselves!) are welcome, as are past pupils, if they have finished school!
School finishes at 3.15pm as usual and we wish you all very happy holidays and, our leavers, the best of luck for the future.