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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Arts Galore

    Fri 01 Feb 2013
    It has been a wonderful end to the week. The past 2 days have seen the children painting Chinese Dragons, making American Wagons, creating sunsets at the Taj Mahal, working with Indian Patterns, working on Willow Pattern Plates and crafting clay pots. There have been glimpses of large papier mache globes in Year 6 and the Year 5 and 6 boys were learning and performing the Haka with Mrs Stevenson from Kineton High School. They even had face paints to help create the correct image - Scary stuff! Mrs Wilkinson and Year 5 girls were busy printing African Adinkra designs, some children had a go at chinese writing and Year 3 have been designing boomerangs. It has been a truly inspirational week and our thanks go to all of the staff and volunteers for making this such a memorable and enjoyable experience. We look forward to seeing you all at the Art Exhibition.
  • Passenger Travel Assistants to be reinstated on all Primary School Buses

    Fri 01 Feb 2013

    The council has decided to reinstate passenger travel assistants on all buses to and from Primary Schools in Warwickshire.

    They haven’t given an actual date as to when they will be reinstated, but we will let you have more details once we have them!


    Here is the official press release:

    ‘The Leader of Warwickshire County Council - Councillor Alan Farnell - has
    announced that his Group will be reinstating Passenger Transport Assistants
    on all buses to primary schools across the county.

    Passenger Transport Assistants were scheduled to be removed from buses,
    coaches and taxis conveying pupil to mainstream primary schools as part of
    a £1.4million savings programme for school transport.

    However, research has indicated that the savings package has been made
    elsewhere through measures such as a robust tendering process using
    e-auctions resulting in lower operational prices.

    The Group has also recognised the concerns expressed by local members,
    parents, schools and governors in making the decision.  Cllr Heather Timms,
    portfolio holder for Children, Young people and Families, said:

    “The council has been able to meet the £1.4million it identified as a
    necessary saving from the school transport programme through other
    measures, so we are willing to acknowledge the concerns of parents and
    schools and reverse this decision.”

