Year 5
Welcome to Year 5
Welcome to Y5 Class Page: Summer Term
Our topic this term is Ground-breaking Greeks, which studies the developments and changes during ancient Greek history, focusing on the city state of Athens in the Classical age, and exploring the lasting legacy of ancient Greece. In part, our literacy work will take its lead from this topic with a focus on play-scripts, odes, myths and balanced arguments.
In maths, we continue to follow the White Rose curriculum map: shape, position and direction, decimals, negative numbers, converting units and measuring volume.
Our science this term will conclude work on animal, plant and human life cycles before moving on to properties and changes of materials.
Art & Design we are studying mix media, figures and forms.
In DT (Design Technology) we will be looking at architecture.
French lessons continue to develop both the children's spoken and written vocabulary and constructs.
On Wednesday afternoon's, Mrs Dunn takes the class for music and computing.
Finally, our PE curriculum sees us partaking in athletics and a series of striking and fielding games (cricket, tennis and rounders). Additionally, we will be having some dance lessons/workshops.
Forest school will also continue to form part of the Friday afternoon sessions. (Please ensure appropriate attire/kit).
Wishing all an enjoyable and productive term.
Mr Foyle