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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Welcome to Reception - 

Hedgehogs Class


Teacher:                     Miss Harlin


Teaching Assistant:     Mrs Costine


Welcome to Reception. In our Early Years class, children are encouraged and supported to become independent and curious learners. We provide lots of opportunities for active learning within the classroom  and our outdoor provision. Children are encouraged to think critically, be creative learners and explore their surroundings.

The children have access to a range of areas of learning including:


Three Prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social & Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Communication & Language


Four Specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy
  • Maths
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts & Design



    Welcome to our classroom!

    A big welcome to our new Reception cohort!

    This Term in Hedgehogs Class:


    This term our focus will be 'Me and my community'
    This project supports children with settling into the new rules and routines of school and encourages them to make new friends and feel confident in their class. It teaches children about being helpful, kind and thoughtful at home and at school. This project also teaches children how they are unique and special, the importance of friendship and how people in their family, school and local community are important and can help them.


    Another area we will find out about will be 'Exploring Autumn'

    This project teaches children about the natural changes that happen during the season of autumn, including how the weather changes, why trees lose their leaves and how wild animals prepare for winter.



    We will start to learn our level two sounds, linking them to the corresponding letters, hearing them in words and forming them correctly. We will also be blending sounds to make words and segmenting words into sounds to spell them


    We will start to read and spell some 'tricky' words. These are the words that we cannot use our phonic skills to help us decode and that we have to sight recognise.


    Phonics books will come home with your child, sharing the letter sound we have learnt each day. I know finding time after school can be difficult, but please share this book with your child as often as you can. The more practise they have linking the sound to the corresponding letter really helps to consolidate the skills we are developing in school.



    Maths will be practical, using concrete resources to develop the strong foundation of understanding the number system. We will focus on the principles of counting initially. The children will  engage with shape, capacity, measure and pattern through directed activities and in continuous provision.


    PE & Forest School

    Forest school will be on a Thursday afternoon. Whilst the weather stays warm, please ensure your child has a water bottle in school each day and is wearing sun cream and a sun hat. As the weather changes, extra layers and warm hats and gloves will be needed.

    Our PE day is on a Friday. If PE kits could be worn into school on this day.


    Our library time is on a Friday afternoon. The children are able to choose and bring home a book each week. When this book is returned, they are then able to borrow another.


    Just a quick reminder that children should be wearing a cardigan or jumper to school and if all uniform and clothing in school could please be labelled.


    Contact Details

    If you need to contact Miss Harlin please use Tapestry or email:


    Discovering Diwali

    EYFS Timetable

