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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Welcome to our Curriculum Section.

The 2014 National Curriculum is the minimum requirement for our curriculum and says of itself that it is an 'important element of the school curriculum' but it is not the whole curriculum. We believe that the experiences, knowledge and skills that the children of The Dassett develop cannot necessarily be accomplished within the boundaries of the National Curriclum subjects only. We offer exciting WOW events and lessons and overarching systems and values that are embedded. All of these elements make up our school curriculum. 

Our curriculum encompasses everything that we do to develop the pupils at the Dassett and to prepare them for the next steps in their lives and their education. This could be learning to change for PE in early years or developing meaningful relationships and problem solving skills. The curriculum is therefore extremely broad. Although teachers plan carefully for the lessons and experiences that happen at the Dassett, they are also subject to change. Our teachers are reflective; they make changes that are necessary to adapt the curriculum to the needs of individuals, cohorts and to the time and place that the children live in. They adapt the curriculum in light of new thinking, new technologies and current events so that children are better prepared for the rapidly changing world now and in their future. 


Teachers map out the curriculum across the entire academic year, developing medium term plans, linking subjects where possible. Detailed plans explain how to achieve key objectives in each subject area. 


Activities are carefully selected according to the age of the children and the needs of individual children. At the Dassett we endeavour to make learning fun with a huge emphasis on active learning, children doing, making and experimenting. We also have 'Theme' days and weeks in order to enhance the curriculum and make learning as motivating, enjoyable and memorable as possible.


At The Dassett we teach

  • Maths
  • English (Reading, Writing, Speaking & Listening, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
  • Science
  • Computing
  • RE
  • History
  • Geography
  • Music
  • Art
  • Design Technology
  • PSHE (personal, social and health education)
  • Modern Foreign Language (Key Stage 2)
  • PE

Please click on any of the links to find out more about the approach to subjects.

