Hedgehogs (Reception)
Welcome to Reception -
Hedgehogs Class
Teacher: Miss Harlin
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Costine
Welcome to Reception. In our Early Years class, children are encouraged and supported to become independent and curious learners. We provide lots of opportunities for active learning within the classroom and our outdoor provision. Children are encouraged to think critically, be creative learners and explore their surroundings.
The children have access to a range of areas of learning including:
Three Prime areas of learning:
- Personal, Social & Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication & Language
Four Specific areas of learning:
- Literacy
- Maths
- Understanding the World
- Expressive Arts & Design
Summer Term 1
This term our focus will be 'Big, wide world'. We will be finding out the global community to which the children belong and exploring how living things, communities and climates differ around the world. There will be opportunities for plenty of lovely texts to be shared to help us learn about the world. We will be continuing with 'Helicopter stories', encouraging story telling, acting and developing confidence in speaking.
Running alongside this topic, will be our theme of 'Splash!', allowing us to think about floating and sinking, freezing and melting and why it is important for living things to stay hydrated.
Both these topics will make links for us to explore scientific themes and lots of opportunities for music, singing, dancing and creativity. As always, we will be following the children's interests as they arise, especially linked to the animals, characters and settings we meet in the texts we will be sharing. Children's independence and confidence will continue to be encouraged through our daily routines and activities.
In maths, we will be continuing our mastering number programme, developing those important foundations in understanding early mathematical principles. Throughout our time in continuous and enhanced provision, we will be exploring shape, space and measure.
Our phonics will continue with reviewing level 4, which consolidates and putting the level 3 phonemes into children's application of reading and writing . The children's skills in segmenting and blending will continue to be developed as we learn to read and write more independently. Please continue to read your child's reading book with them at home and review the 'tricky' words we have been learning in school.
Forest school will continue to be on a Thursday afternoon. Please ensure that children are wearing suitable clothing to make sure that they are warm whilst we are outside. As the weather begins to change over this term, please think about providing sun hats and sun cream.
On this note, could you please ensure that children are bringing a coat to school each day, even when it looks sunny in the morning the children are outside lots in the day and can become chilly when it is cloudy or rainy.
If book bags and water bottles could continue to be in school every day please.