Gardening & Eco Club

We decided in 2014 that our delightful school, an old Victorian school set in the lea of the Dassett Hills, deserved to have both the grounds and an attitude and culture that fully recognised the beautiful part of the country that we lived in and fully embraced every element of ‘Greening’ our environment.
Our Peace Garden is used by the children as a quiet and reflective area. The Peace garden was b formally opened and blessed by Bishop Christopher, the Bishop of Coventry in November 2014. Forming a Church isle the central corridor runs between four planted beds and has curved seating at each end and is enclosed on all sides by a native British hedgerow donated by The Woodland Trust.
We have individual Class Eco Committee members who aim to make our school as eco-friendly as it can be. They work with a small group of passionate parents to educate us all about how to be more ECO-friendly. They meet termly and present their ideas to the rest of the school. In 2019-2020 we established tera-cycle collection bins for lunchtime waste.
At the front of the school we have a peaceful seating area and small scale play trim trail for everyone to enjoy. We also have a variety of fruit bushes and a range of bug houses and hotels!, a hedgehog house, frog village, bird feeding area It was good enough to earn them all a Blue Peter 'Green' Badge!
We are registered with both the Food for Life Partnership and the RHS Campaign for School Gardening and we are actively pursuing their respective awards. We are delighted to report that we have now attained the Silver Award of the Food For Life Awards and, the top level, Level 5 of the Campaign for School Gardening.
Our vision is to embed healthy eating and a greater understanding of healthy food culture within the school and we are very fortunate to have exceptional school caterers, County Caterers (Food for Life Catering Silver Award holders), and an amazing kitchen team, run brilliantly by Mel, who produce a fabulous array of fresh food every day. Our extensive school meals information can be found here