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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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The Friends’ AGM

Thank you to all who attended the Friends’ AGM on

Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mel Hartwell is now the Chair and Mrs. Sarah Cowling is the Vice Chair. Mrs. Sara Fisher is our treasurer but we are still in need of a secretary – could you fill this role?

If you are interested but not sure what is involved please give Mrs. Hine a call. A letter about the Friends activities from last year will be coming out soon.

The events for this year are listed below – please put them in your diaries:

October 20th – Movie Night

November 18th Family Quiz

December 2nd Christmas Fayre

January 27th – Disco

February 11th – Mini Farmers’ Market

March 31st – Easter Bingo Night

May 13th – Farmers’ Market

June 23rd – Midsummer Party

