Staffing for September 2022 letter
13th May 2022
Dear Parents and Carers
Staffing for September 2022
As most of you know Mrs Parkes has been out of school for a few months and she has now decided to retire from August 2022. We are pleased to say that Mrs Clark will remain as class teacher for the rest of this academic year. We hope that Mrs Parkes will be back in school at some point before she retires. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs Parkes for her dedication to The Dassett over the years.
We are also very sad to tell you that Miss Chance will be leaving us at end of this school year. Miss Chance has transformed our early years provision and will be leaving everything in a great position for a future teacher to take on. Miss Chance travels quite a distance daily and has secured a position 10 minutes from her home. In her resignation letter Miss Chance said that she was very grateful for the opportunities that The Dassett had given her, she has felt appreciated and valued.
We wish Mrs Parkes and Miss Chance all the best in any future endeavours and we will miss them both.
We are obviously in the process of recruiting staff and hope to appoint by the end of this half term. As soon as we have appointed we will let you know.
We currently see the classes for September 2023 as follows:-
Reception – new appointment
Year 1/2 – Mrs Moll
Year 3/4 - Mrs Hanna
Upper key stage 2 will be taught in Year 5 and Year 6 class groups by Mr Foyle and a new appointment. When the appointment has been made we will confirm which teacher will be where.
We are pleased to say that our teaching assistants, Mrs Costine, Mrs McMullen, Mrs Hamill, Mrs Malby, Miss Brooks and Mrs Brice will continue to work as part of our dedicated team.
Mrs Cowling, Ms Hillman, Mrs Walker, Miss Bolton, Mr Parkes and Mrs Yale will continue in their roles as Midday Supervisors and Mrs Boyle remains in the office for all of your enquiry needs.
We will keep you informed of any updates as they happen. Please be aware that these plans could change in light of any appointments we make between now and the end of the year.
In the meantime, if you have questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me by telephone or email.
S Corry
Miss S Corry
Head Teacher