Letter from Miss Corry
20th March 2020
Dear Parents and Carers of our children.
As our school closes its gates for the majority of our children today, until further notice, I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone in our school community for the way they have conducted themselves over the last weeks in very challenging circumstances. Your children have been an absolute credit to you all and have continued to care for each other and to try their best.
The children are very anxious at the moment and are worried about what is going on around them. They are worried about not seeing their elderly relatives and are concerned about their parents’ welfare as they try hard to continue in the world of work. Young children are still quite egocentric and therefore are also worried about how this virus might affect them personally. The children are worried about when they might return to school and if they are going to see their friends again before the Summer holidays. Obviously, we have not been able to answer their questions about this. But please reassure them that we are here, we are thinking of them and we can’t wait to see them when they return to us.
There is some really useful advice about how to talk to children about the corona virus and about why they are not coming to school.
Although we have tried to shield them as much as possible, we realise that this is impossible. I desperately hope the country continues to follow all the national guidelines in place over the coming weeks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Particularly around social distancing.
The message for year 6 is slightly different because they are older and obviously a lot wiser. They also have pre-pubescent feelings to deal with on top of the fact that they are worried that they will not see their last year at Primary school out at The Dassett. Obviously, we hope that this won’t be the case but we can’t promise this to them. What we would like to say is that we will move mountains to make sure that they mark their time at the Dassett and their last year before Secondary school in a positive way – even if that is in the Summer holidays or in the Autumn term.
When we are ‘back to normal’ we would like to organise something special for them. I moved my daughter to the Dassett at the end of her fifth year and I couldn’t be happier about the short time that she has spent with the fabulous Year 6 pupils. They are amazing!
I would just like to close with another thank you and good luck from myself, the staff and Governors of The Dassett. We wish you all the best over the coming months. Keep safe and healthy.
Best Wishes
Suzanne Corry – Headteacher
Hester Stevns – Chair of Governors