Letter from Governors and Miss Corry re Ofsted 2019
We have published, today, a letter from the Ofsted inspector who visited our school on 9th April 2019. You can find the full letter on the school website.
We are extremely proud of our pupils and staff and are happy that we have retained our grade of Good. We are looking to the future now and are taking on board the recommendations of the report.
The pupils, in particular, were highly praised by the inspector. They were able to engage in mature conversations with him; “Older pupils demonstrated a mature understanding of their learning”. The pupils said that they felt entirely safe here at The Dassett and their conduct showed that they were happy and confident in the adults ‘to resolve any issues’ that may arise. Parents commented on the “enthusiasm their children have for learning’, and the ‘caring attitudes’ of staff.
The inspector highlighted 3 next steps for our school, 2 of which were already reflected in the School Development Plan;
• Increase expectations for pupils’ writing
We have introduced the Writer of the Month award for pupils in order to raise its profile. We also have a new English coordinator who is accessing training and embedding new ideas for how we can develop writing at The Dassett. We are confident that by encouraging a love of writing and by building on pupils’ knowledge and skills we will raise standards across the board.
• Revise the curriculum across all subjects so that pupils benefit from greater coherence and progression
We had already started to adapt the wider curriculum in order to build on the engaging lessons that our children already experience. This will continue during this academic year and into the next.
‘Pupils enjoy the breadth of the curriculum and the imaginative stimuli that engage their interest’
• Leaders and Governors should evaluate the impact of the pupil premium and use the evaluation to plan future expenditure.
This will be a priority for Governors and they will ensure that the evaluation is published on the school website.
We thank you for your continued support and appreciation of our hard-working staff. We also thank you for encouraging your children to engage fully with their learning at The Dassett.
If you have any questions then please do get in touch with Ms Corry.
Best Wishes
Suzanne Corry Hester Stevns
Headteacher Chair of Governors