Competitions, Music, Publicity, Donations and Help
Competition Time
As part of the Farmers’ Market we will be running 3 competitions –
- A tastiest jam/conserve competition (so dig out those homemade treats in your cupboards and enter them into the contest.
- A parent and child Art Competition with the theme of Nature or Food – anything goes – sculpture, models, painting, sketching, collage….
- A Photography Competition with age ranges of Under 6 years, 6-12 years, 12-18 years and adult. The theme is Farming.
Why not enter one or all and have a go at impressing the judges? Free to enter and open to anyone - send entries in by Thursday 19th May and ensure full names and ages are on the back. All entries will be displayed on the day.
Could you deliver fliers to the houses in your village to help advertise the imminent Farmers’ Market? You may be able to team up with some other people and share the workload. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Could you put up a poster where you work? If you could help in any way please let Mrs. Hine know on Monday or via e-mail on Thank you.
Music at the Farmers’ Market
If you play an instrument and would like to do a short performance during the farmer’s Market (21st May 12-4pm) then please let Mrs. Hine know – we need performances from 2-4pm.
Donations needed
Plants, Cakes, Books and Cups and Saucers and Garden Twine are needed in order to make our Farmers’ Market an enormous success. Cups and Saucers are needed for the Year 5 garden craft they are making, Garden Twine is needed for the Year 2 craft – next week would be perfect. Books for the second hand book stall are welcome right up to an including the day of the Farmers’ Market – please start sending them into school and we will store them in advance. Cakes will be requested for the day before the market.
Could you spare a couple of hours on the day to help? We need people to help in the morning setting up or to run a stall from either 12-2pm or 2 to 4pm. Parents, grandparents, friends – all are welcome and it is actually quite good fun! Year 5 & 6 helpers are also needed and they will receive a separate letter.