'WOW' October Writing Challenge
‘WOW’ Writing Challenge
Following on from the success of our maths challenge last year, our new monthly challenge featured in the newsletter will be linked to the ‘Wonder of Words’ – WOW.
Each month children will be challenged to create a piece of writing that makes Mrs. Hine literally say ‘WOW’ when she reads it due to the ideas, content and style of writing produced.
In Key Stage 2 this may include the use of amazing vocabulary in the right context, using different styles of sentences for different purposes, using impressive grammatical features, organising the writing correctly (eg. with paragraphs or sub-headings) and ensuring that the writing flows smoothly.
In Key Stage 1 this may be using WOW words for impact, remembering capital letters and full stops in sentences and also remembering capital letters for names. It may be putting speech in correctly or using other punctuation such as question marks, or using ‘tools’ of creative writing such as alliteration (where the same sound starts each word in a sentence e.g. The wind whistled wildly ….. The gentle giant jauntily strolled through the village) or onomatopoeia (words for sounds – crash, bang, rustle etc.)
The end of year expectation booklets may help parents to see what is expected of each year group and there is a list of terminology and definitions in the Literacy section of the website on the curriculum page.
Each month there will be a winner from each year group and the pieces of writing will go onto a ‘WOW’ writing display for all to see and onto the website. The pieces can be typed or handwritten and you can decorate them if you like.
Mrs. Hine is very excited about this new ‘WOW’ challenge and so here is the first one….
KS1 – write a description of Winnie the Witch – remember to use WOW words and awesome adjectives/describing words.
Can you include how her appearance makes you feel? You could print out a picture of her at the top of your work.
Check for capital letters and full stops.
Write as much or as little as you like, but no more than 3/4 to 1 side of A4 to ensure quality rather than quantity.
Lower KS2 – write a description of The Wicked Witch of the West from the Wizard of Oz or Dumbledore from Harry Potter.
Can you use similes and metaphors?
Can you describe their appearance, voice, personality and behaviour?
Remember to use WOW words and awesome adjectives. Check for capital letters and full stops.
Write as much or as little as you like, but no more than 1 to 1 ½ sides of A4 to ensure quality rather than quantity.
Upper KS2 – write a description of a haunted house as though you are entering it for the first time.
Try to choose your vocabulary and sentence length to create an image that makes Mrs. Hine have goosebumps and creates tension as though something is going to happen any minute.
Capital letters and full stops are non-negotiable!
What other punctuation can you use correctly?
Write as much or as little as you like, but no more than
1½ to 2 sides of A4 to ensure quality rather than quantity.