World War 1 Day and Blog
On November 11th we will be holding a World War 1 day at The Dassett as part of the Centenary of this key historical event. We wanted to let you know about a ‘real time’ blog of events that happened in Avon Dassett and the surrounding villages from the outbreak of war in 1914 until September 1915 which has been done by the Avon Dassett Local History Group. This WWI Project was launched in August and covers everyday life such as parish council meetings, births, marriages and deaths as well as reactions to the war and stories of some of the men from Avon Dassett who joined up. We will be looking to get the children involved throughout the year with this amazing project. It can be found here:
We would love it if some of the children could follow it through the year. By now there is over a month of entries already published covering reactions to the outbreak of war, confusion over whether to cancel social events like fetes and shows etc. September saw the arrival of some Belgian school children evacuated to England. There are also debates about whether to continue hunting (they decide they will) and whether to continue Saturday football matches (the commentary is that the footballers should be signing up to fight). In November bonfires are banned on Guy Fawkes Day. As the year progresses, the community have to come to terms with a war that they were told would be over by Christmas.
Anyone is able to subscribe to the blog and leave comments, so if you were interested in a particular issue or debate (eg should football be banned during war time!) you could leave your own thoughts. The history group want to capture present day reactions to this centenary too.
They are also posting up a song from the ‘hit parade’ each month (starting with Good-bye Dolly Gray) and will be posting up some news footage too and so we hope that you will have a look at this fabulous, local resource.
Also, Year 4 and 5 children are invited to a WW1 morning at Carduss School on Saturday 11th October. The event is free and will have many activities to explore and understand the impact of the war. More info is available below:
To mark the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, Carrdus School would like teachers and their Year 4 and 5 children with a particular interest in history, to share an exciting morning with us, finding out about the First World War. Interested parents and grandparents are also welcome to stay. The event is free of charge and is part of our History Outreach Programme.
The children will enjoy some fascinating activities including singing war songs, getting creative with flags, investigating the propaganda used to get everyone involved, and a tour of our fascinating displays. It promises to be a very memorable morning and will help the children to understand the war and its impact on society as well as being fun.
Children should be brought to the front hall of the school, arriving any time after 9.00 am for a prompt 9.20am start. The event will finish at 12.50pm and all the children will be provided with a drink and snack whilst they are here. There will be a display room for parents and grandparents to browse through fascinating war time memorabilia whilst their children take part in the activities.
Below is the Parental Consent Form that we will need for each child on the day; if you could possibly send these to us in advance we would be very grateful.
Please see the Carrdus website for directions to the school and feel free to call Fay Hand in the school office (01295 263733) if you require further details.
We very much hope that you will be able to attend, and ask that you RSVP by email to Fay Hand
This consent form will cover your child attending the WW1 morning on Saturday 11th October 2014.
I agree to _________________________________________________________ (name)
taking part in the WW1 Event
I am happy for photographs to be taken but no names be published YES/NO
I acknowledge the need for my child to behave responsibly YES/NO
Any dietary requirements? YES/NO
(If YES, please give details)
Medical information about your child
Any conditions requiring medical treatment, including medication? YES/NO
If YES, please give details
The school will, wherever possible, ensure that parental consent is sought before medical treatment is required. For incidents of a minor nature, where your son/daughter might be taken to Accident and Emergency following an injury, parental permission to proceed with the initial treatment would prevent delay. This would also be the case in the event of a serious incident, ensuring that your child receives the best medical attention available.
It is vital that you update the school if any of the details change.
Contact Telephone Numbers:
Work:_______________________________ Home:_______________________________________
Home address:______________________________________________________________________________________
Alternative emergency contact:
Name:________________________________ Telephone No:___________________________________________
I will inform the School as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other circumstances.
I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
Signed: _________________________________________ Name of child’s school: _________________________________
Full Name (capitals):__________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________