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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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What a Sponsored Sport Event!

Forward rolls, cartwheels, flips and flying through the air over members of staff are not usually part of a Thursday afternoon at The Dassett! However, we watched a fantastic demonstration of gymnastics skills from Commonwealth Athlete, Harry Owen, which left all of us in a state of wonderment and awe! We had all done our part by doing our sponsored minute of ‘spotty dogs’, press ups, leg drives and star jumps.
There was lots of cheering and clapping as children completed each event and if the size of smiles was anything to go by the afternoon was a huge success.
One of the aims of the event is to get 2012 children starting a new sports club by the time the Olympics starts - I already know of one pupil who is very keen to renew her gymnastics having been part of this event. Children will have had their sponsor sheet returned and now need to begin to collect their sponsor money and return it to school by Friday 18th May. Children will receive their postcards and posters as soon as we have them sent to us.
Many thanks for your support for this event.

