The Friends AGM
There were a few goodbyes to be said to committee members Louise Beale and Jocelyn Lewry, who have been on The Friends for more years than they would care to mention, but will no longer have children at the school as they leave Year 6 in July. You have been great supporters of the school and will be missed.
Also Caroline Cleaves stepped down as Chair, Claire NIcklin as Treasurer and Philippa Upton as Secretary. A really special thank you must go to them for their hard work in fulfilling these roles so cheerfully, successully and selflessly in a purely voluntary role. Everyone at the school has really appreciated your commitment to raising funds for the chidren.
Helen Wilce has kindly volunteered to be the new chair and Kate Swinsom (a new parent into Reception in September) has agreed to take on the role of treasurer. Thank you.
The position of Secretary is still up for grabs and will be decided in September. If you are interested please come along to the meeting at the beginning of the Autumn Term - everyone is very welcome.