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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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The Dassett Comedy Evening - Ginny Davis

The follow up comedy night to Ginny Davis’ ‘Ten Days that shook the Kitchen’ was the fabulous ‘Family Matters’ at the village hall on Saturday 2nd March. A full house was treated to another wonderful evening exploring the trials and tribulations of the Rich family on their return from Australia.

Dragging herself to consciousness from dreams of close encounters with Colin Firth, she charted a path through piercings, driving lessons, teenage smoking, dog walking without a dog, arguments over sleeping arrangements, accidental online orders of 144 loo rolls and what to call your son’s rather incongruous homework. Through a process of trial and (mostly) error, these were resolved and Ruth learnt how not to behave at school football matches and what not to say about your friends’ cosmetic surgery and sex lives and it was brought to a hilarious conclusion at a homecoming party to reintegrate the family into the local community with hilarious and explosive consequences. The moral of the story:  family matters. 

It was a thoroughly enjoyable evening with superb food courtesy of The Merrie Lion, an array of absolutely amazing raffle prizes and an amply stocked bar. Our thanks go again to Helen Wilce and the Friends of The Dassett for organising such a wonderful night, all of the willing helpers in setting up the hall, the Friends for running the evening and to Ginny for bringing her excellent play to Fenny.

