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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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  • On Friday 28th June we will be holding our annual sports day morning.


  • Children need to come to school and register as normal.  The children will then get changed and if they would like to wear a T-Shirt of their house colour they may. As a reminder, the colours of houses are Neptune (blue) Saturn(Green) Mercury (Red) Jupiter ( yellow)


  • Year 6 will then collect their teams and take them outside for a 9.30am start.


  • The sporting activities will take place in their teams and parents are welcome to follow their children around to each event.  The activities will last for approximately 10 minutes and then they will move to the next one.


  • We aim for these to be concluded by 11.30am when children will return to their own classroom to get changed and wash their hands ready for lunch.


  • At approximately 11.45am parents can collect their children from the usual end of day places so that you can enjoy a picnic lunch with them.


  • At 1.00pm Lunch time finishes and the whistle will blow. The children will be asked to line up in their usual places for the teachers to collect them for the afternoon session.


  • School will then end at the usual time of 3.15pm.


  • If you are not joining your child for a picnic lunch please say who will be responsible for them during this time.  Children are welcome to have lunch with the Midday Supervisors.


  • The kitchen will not be providing a hot meal on this day.


  • If you require a school prepared packed lunch please let the office know by Friday 21st June 2019.  Unfortunately we will not be able to provide a lunch after this date.


  • If by chance we have to cancel Sports Day then you will still have to provide a packed lunch this day as the kitchen will not be providing a hot meal. We will let you know on the morning if the sports event needs to be cancelled due to bad weather.


Thank You for your ongoing support.


Suzanne Corry

Head Teacher



