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Poetry Please

Roger McGough couldn’t have been more delighted than we are with our collection of prize poets. The competition was the Southam Lions 6th Annual Poetry Competition, and in a year when they received a record number of entries we are absolutely delighted to announce seven (yes seven) winners from The Dassett.

In Key Stage 1 First place went to Toby Y2 for Train to Dawlish, 2nd went to Zach Y2 for Seaside and Joint 3rd were Wilfred Y1 for Meerkat and Thomas Y2 for The Seaweed.

In Key Stage 2 Second place went to Kezia Y4 for The Romans and Me and joint 3rd went to Emily Hunt Y3 for The Hunt and Billy Y6 for I’m a Year Six child, get me out of Here.

An absolutely massive well done to each and every one of them for their outstanding efforts. They have all been invited, with their families, to an Awards Evening on the 14th November where they will receive book tokens and a copy of a book of all of this year’s poems, and they will have the opportunity to read their own poem. It promises to be a fabulous evening and they should all feel extremely proud to have done so well.

A display of all our winners work will be put up in school and a copy of the book will be available in the school library. Videos and original entries can be seen here:

