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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Homeward Bound

Recently we have had a couple of occasions where children have been confused about home time arrangements or parents have had to make changes in arrangements and forgotten to inform school. The best way to do this is by either sending in a note or writing it into the green communications book.  It is also becoming increasingly difficult for children and staff to see their parent at the end of the day, due to the numbers of people congregating in one place, and so we have decided to trial a system whereby children do not all leave school through one exit and parents do not all wait in the same area. Staff will only let the children leave when they have seen the appropriate parent/carer and parents should wait in the correct area to collect their youngest child, before then collecting their older children.

From this coming Monday (21st) Reception children will be brought to the front door and parents can wait along the front path. Year 1, 2 and 3 children will wait in their classrooms and their parents should wait along the back path opposite their child’s class, so that they can be seen clearly by the children and staff alike. Children will be sent out through their external classroom doors. Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils will exit through the usual door and parents should wait on the lower playground. If parents are happy for their child to walk home unaccompanied then please inform the class teacher in writing. Our sports teachers will also be made aware of this change in arrangements and these alterations will also help when a supply teacher is dismissing the children.

We really appreciate your support with this initiative to help ensure the safety of the children.

