Governor Vacancy
We have one vacancy for Parent Governor. Any parent with a child at this school on 1 September 2013, except a parent solely with a child/ren in a nursery unit, wishing to stand for election must be proposed and seconded by two other parents of a pupil or pupils on the roll of the school. Neither the proposer nor the seconder may be the spouse/partner or immediate family of the nominee or be related in any way to one another.
As a parent governor your term of office will be four years from 1 November 2013 unless you choose to resign before then. The Local Authority is required to provide training for governors and you will be required to attend this training course at a future date once elected.
We are looking for people who are interested in the school, have a range of skills to offer the school eg. legal, financial, educational, business, HR etc,and who are prepared to devote time to playing a part in its future. Governors are involved in discussing school policy, monitoring the effectiveness of the school, making appointments and overseeing the school’s financial affairs.
Governors meet at least once each term as a full governing body and twice a term as members of either the Resources Sub-Committee or Quality and Standards Sub-Committee. They are also invited in to school to support classes and acquaint themselves with different curriculum areas.
Nomination forms are available from the school office or below. The last date for receipt of nominations is Friday 4 October 2013. If only one person is nominated there will be no need for an election; the nominee would simply be declared to be a parent governor.
If more nominations are received than there are places, a ballot will be held and if necessary you will be informed about this and the arrangements for voting at a later date. Nominees are invited to provide a brief personal statement for circulation to parents with a ballot paper if an election is necessary. In order to save time, would you please submit your statement with your initial nomination form.
As a parent of a child/ren at the school (excluding parents solely with a child/ren in the nursery unit), you will of course be entitled to vote at any parent governor election whether or not you are interested in standing for election. If you are not interested in the possibility of becoming a governor there is no need for further action. Remember, nominations have to be in by 3.15 pm on Friday 4 October 2013.