Fabulous Friday 15th
The day starts with the Reception Class Assembly - all parents are welcome - 9am please.
It is also Red Nose Day and we have Abbie in Year 5 running her own Cake Sale (20p per cake) for comic relief, if any parents would like to help her by contributing cakes they are most welcome, and we are doing a Mad March Hair Day for a £1 donation - mad styles, colour, whatever takes your fancy!
In the evening we have the (weather rearranged) School Discos - Reception, Y1 and Y2 is 6 - 7.15pm and Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 is 7.30 till 8.45pm. £2 entry with drinks, sweets, tattoos and raffle (please remember to bring your free raffle entry). Current pupils only. In aid of The Friends of The Dassett.