Clubs, Clubs, Clubs
The list of clubs for the Autumn term is nearing finalisation and you can see the initial list and all of the relevant details in About Us/ School Clubs/ Autumn Term. We have 15 clubs confirmed or awaiting final date and time details for the coming term with exciting new arrivals already confirmed including Netball and Zumbatomic with Love Ballet. All of the application forms will be sent out at the beginning of the new term.
We have also been in contact with The Children’s University. The Children’s University is an organisation which signposts children to exciting learning activities which take place outside the normal school day - it could be before school, during lunchtime, after school, during weekends or holidays etc. The activities are all voluntary - it is up to you to choose what you do and when, and the learning always has a link to something you could go on to do at a "grown up" university. The children will also get stamps in their Passport to Learning from the many clubs we now have on offer, all working towards a degree and graduation! We are hoping to confirm details at the start of the new term.