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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Classes for next year

The children met their 'new' class teachers today and spent the morning working in their new classrooms. There was much excitement as teachers were announced in an early assembly and then all the children filed out of the hall with their teacher for next year.
We also wlecomed our new reception intake for their first induction session so it was a busy morning for everyone.
When I spoke to the children at lunchtime they said they had had a great morning!

The classes are as follows:

Reception - Miss Kirsten Gasson

Year 1 - Mrs Nicola Payne

Year 2 - Mrs Sam Parkes

Year 3 - Mrs Sam Moll

Year 4 - Miss Jo Gasson

Year 5 - Miss Louise Letchford

Year 6 - Mr David Hann

