A 'Good' School in Every Area Ofsted 2015
We are delighted to announce that our recent Ofsted Report (April 2015), acknowledges the fact that ‘The Dassett’ is a good school in all areas – Leadership & Management, Behaviour & Safety, Quality of Teaching, Achievement of Pupils and Early Years provision.
It has been an extremely busy two years since our last Ofsted inspection, continuing to implement the improvements that we had started prior to their last visit and this current judgement is absolutely the right one and thoroughly well-deserved by all members of our school – the parents, the governors, the staff and, of course, the children.
The inspectors were extremely impressed with what they saw and felt that we were a very strong ‘Good’ and that with only a couple of areas of improvement, that had already been identified and implemented, we are not very far away from becoming an outstanding provider, which is what we are all aiming for.
It was extremely gratifying that they identified that the ‘teaching is consistently good throughout the school’ and that ‘achievement is consistently good for all groups of pupils in both Key Stages across the whole curriculum’.
They could see that, ‘The Dassett does not rest on its laurels’ and that ‘the school has raised its capacity for improvement, which is good, and is exemplified by the improvements in the school’s performance in the last two years.’
You will hopefully not be surprised to know that we had already begun to work on the two areas identified and will continue to drive these improvements ensuring that ‘standards continue to rise in ALL areas’ and justifying the statement that ‘the school’s performance, improvement and leadership is highly regarded within the Authority’.
This is such an exciting time for The Dassett and the future is very bright indeed. It is a real privilege to be leading this wonderful school and our dedicated team and I thank you all for your continued support.