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The Dassett C of E Primary School

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Childline and NSPCC

On Wednesday 18th May, Deborah Sharp from the NSPCC is returning to The Dassett to deliver her extremely important ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ message in assembly. This follows on from the Taking Care Protective Behaviour project we do in school and is a key part of our safeguarding education for children. All of the assemblies are age appropriate and the teachers will be present. She will then follow up with Years 5 and 6 with class workshops. By the end of this visit, we’re convinced children will feel empowered – knowing how they can speak out and stay safe. If you’d like to know more about the NSPCC’s work, or take a look at the wide range of information and advice which is available for parents and carers, please visit their website

As part of this, the NSPCC would like us to do some fundraising for them so that Childline can continue their crucial service for many years to come. We will be sending home a sponsor form with each child and will be doing a sponsored general knowledge quiz in each class at an age appropriate level. There will be 20 questions in all year groups apart from Reception who will have 10 questions. This sponsored event will happen on Friday 27th May – the last day of this half term. If you do not wish to seek sponsors, you may just want to contribute a small amount e.g. £1.00. Each child will get a sticker for participating. All sponsor forms and money must be back in school on Tuesday 7th or Wednesday 8th June, as they are being collected on Thursday 9th by Childline. We really hope you will support this and, in doing so, help all children to have someone to talk to if they need help.

