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The Dassett C of E Primary School

Together we learn, independently we grow.

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Termly Reports

Termly reports are with you and there is a new section which tells you your child's National Curriculum Level.  

A document explaining the National Curriculum levels is attached below.

The reports also indicate whether children have just achieved a sub-level (low), are well within a sub-level (secure) or are almost at the next sub-level (high). 

Please note, the words low, secure and high are not a reflection of where your child is academically but are merely an illustration of where they are working within a sub-level.
The section on the right hand side of the report explains whether your child is working Below, In Line, or Above Age Related Expectations.

The expected levels for the end of each year are:

Year 1   1a/2c
Year 2   2b
Year 3   2a/3c
Year 4   3b
Year 5   3a/4c 
Year 6   4b

If you look in the curriculum sections for literacy and numeracy on our website, you will also find the specific targets which correlate to each National Curriculum sub-level. These are the targets your children  are working towards in class so that you can clearly see what it is that your children are doing and looking to achieve on a day to day basis.

